How To Kill A Suffering Guppy-Asap


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2010
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Please-how can i destroy a guppy without scissors,i think ive got dropsy or somthing nasty as my guppys are falling 1by1,they look real bad now how can i do it?!
what i did to euthanize a dying guppy was freeze some water (well nearlly freeze so it starts getting a ice layer) then when that happened take it to the tank catch the guppy you want to euthanize then put it right into the water the change in temp makes its body shut down almost instantly

there is a way of doing it with a chemical that acts like a drug on a fish and puts it to sleep without any pain at all but i forgot what its called sorry.

not everyone will agree with my way of doing it but at the time it was the best option and i hated it

Ok ive put some water in the frezzer,will give an hour as the water came from my brita filter in fridge so was already very cold,im gona have to pass on three guppys and prob the rest tomorro,whatever is destroying my gupps is not touching the cardinals or molly.cherrs,god bless my guppys.
No ive already a post about clowns in the emergency bit,not much luck recently.
I wouldnt get yourself so worked up over this. Just let nature take its own course. If it were in the wild would it suddenly find itself being put in a ice cold tub of water...?! No.

Let it die, put it in the bin. Job Done
here a small bag (zip lock is good) and a rolling pint are your friend, very quick, very painless.
Ive used clove oil before to knock the fish out then pop straight in to freazing cold water.
As far as I was aware clove oil doesnt kill them.... tho i might have heard wrong...
I'm sure theres some evidence somewhere regarding clove oil and the finding saying that the brain was still functional after the clove oil was used. Can anyone back this up?
I wouldnt get yourself so worked up over this. Just let nature take its own course. If it were in the wild would it suddenly find itself being put in a ice cold tub of water...?! No.

Let it die, put it in the bin. Job Done

if you can sit there and watch it die then you can sit there and watch it die if you cant sit there and watch it die then you have to do something about it.

both end up in the same result just depends how you want to do it :p

and to ianho that may be the case i cant quite remember it was a while back when i read about it just remember it being used in some way to kill fish with minimal pain


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