How To Kill A Suffering Guppy-Asap

I firmly beleive that as grusome as it is a swift whack on the head or decapitation is the most humane way, freezing does not kill the fish only shocks them which lead to a slow death, much like a human falling through ice and clove oil has been proven to burn the gills of fish untill they eventually simply cannot function much like humans in gas all in all quick painless and guaranteed to work is a rolling pin.
there is so much conflicting stuff on the net about killing a fish its dam confusing xD

i have read freezing kills them pretty fast and that clove oil puts them into a deep sleep but then some people say freezing and clove oil is bad (just read up on some stuff again) and that a whack on the head does not always kill them (miss hitt etc)

whichever way you decide to do it the fish will feel some pain

there is a organisation called AVMA something to do with vets i think that release a paper every decade or something daft about which is the best way to do it but they normally involve proper vet drugs and it says all 'old school' ways are bad so you cant really win xD


edit: you should not flush fish because all the chemicals in the water cause a very slow painfull death
here a small bag (zip lock is good) and a rolling pint are your friend, very quick, very painless.

Could just throw it at the floor hard, saves wasting a plastic bag.

See, always thinking of the environment me :lol:
i think clove oil puts it to sleep, then you introduce vodka to the tank and it will kill it while its asleep. i read it on another site.
Plastic bag + Brick.

Quick, painless, and zero mess.

Honestly, of all the methods I have heard about over all the years, this is the only one that really cuts the mustard.
hold in one hand and flick its head with your finger
but there is another way wrap in a plastic bag and place in the freezer
leave for an hour
Bang over the head, or throw it against something hard. I think this is the best way. May not be all nicey nice, but its quick, simple and humaine. :good:
Can I ask, is just taking out of the water not a simple and humane way? Surely it's just like drowning in reverse?

I know I could never do most of those suggestions.
I wouldn't think taking it out of the water would be humane, it sure is simple though! You'd have thought they'd suffocate and slowly die that way.
if you take them out the water they would suffocate surely like been strangled


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