How To Keep Your Corydoras Happy?


New Member
Jan 9, 2007
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La Grange Park IL
What would you need to do to keep your corys happy and heathly, I yet have not yet been able to breed them and as well i want to make sure that they are happy so i can keep them successfully.
What would you need to do to keep your corys happy and heathly, I yet have not yet been able to breed them and as well i want to make sure that they are happy so i can keep them successfully.

Keep them in large groups of their own kind, feed them a well balanced diet, give them a nice sand substrate they can dig in, keep them with non-aggressive fish, give them some places to rest, stuff like that.

The main key to keeping cories happy and healthy to is keep the substrate clean and the keep the water clean. Of what I have said, keeping them in groups is probably the most important thing :good:
Sand, Pellets ,bloodworm (live and frozen) Black worm, Lots of friends, No big mean predators, a few hiding places and plants, And for the frm, micro worm :D
Then they should be happy,
And dont over stock

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