How to get free tanks


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
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Tuckerton, New Jersey
I just wanted to let everybody know that there is a way to get free fish stuff. I feel very fortunate to be getting all my stuff. But every tank I have has been free. A lot of people had them for their kids when they were younger, or have them laying around for some reason or another. The big thing is just letting people know that you're interested in fish, and talk to them about it. The only reason people are holding onto their old tanks is because they didn't want to throw them away, and they didn't know what else to do with them. I have 2, 5 gal; 3, 10 gal; 2, 30 gal; and a 75 gal...all free. So anybody you know, you're friends, you're parents friends, relatives might have them sitting in their basements. It's good for you because you get free tanks, and good for the people you're getting them from because it unclutters their house. Granted this post is common sense, just figured I'd put it up here because I never thought I'd get all this stuff for free. :thumbs:
That is so true! I guess anyone could tell you this but somehow I can never talk to non-fishy people about fish... They just aren't interested most of the time and I've pretty much given up :p I will start mentioning my fish more from now on though...
You don't need to come out and ask for tanks, but talk about breeding fish or if you want to open up a fish store or something. That's how I just got my newest one. My friend's mom was asking me how everything was going/about the future/blah blah blah. And I said how I would love to open a fish store, but there's not much money in it. It was only a 5 gal. but hey...I got 4 neons, a mystery snail, and a hood and filter with it. That was just today.
I got a 15 gallon tank that way!! I almost got another one that way too but when they went down to their basement to look for it, it was gone and they figured they must have already given it away and forgotten. They are usually pretty dirty and need a good clean but they're FREE so you can't complain!!

i got a 4ft ,15, 18 for free just had to drive 30 miles for it, came with hud under gravels power heads pumps light's and some other bits of tat!! result
also i bought a 2ft tank on ebay for £21 got there and turns out it's a tropiquarium 68 with heater lights pump and light controlls built in, and she gave me another 2ft plain tank and a little hexafun tank with light pump and filter Bargin
My husband's (then boyfriend/fiance') major professor at college knows I like fish. When he decided he didn't have time to take care of the 29-gallon tank he had, he told me that if I took it "apart" and moved it, I could have it, fish and all (there was a Gourami and a Betta). I got the tank, the hood, the filter, the heater, and decorations (he also offered me the gravel, but I didn't want it). He also gave me an empty 55 (?) gallon that he was planning to set up, but then decided not to. It does leak and I'll have to find the leak and repair it (still haven't picked up the tank), but that's not a big deal. I've started telling people that if people ever offer them tanks and they don't want them, I'd love to have 'em. If I end up not needing or wanting it, I can always pass it on or sell it.

Last month, I saw an ad for a complete 45 gallon set up for $50 :eek: By the time I saw the ad though, and responded, the tank was gone. Ah well, I didn't really have an extra $50 anyway.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
at my school there is a class called Aqua science/culture. and my teacher is retiring this year. and there are tons of tanks (big ones) at that school, and they are discontinueing the class. :/ but the teacher knows that i am interested in fish and am some what knowledgable, (not ignorant anyways). so it should be interesting to see what happens. :)
sylvia said:
That is so true! I guess anyone could tell you this but somehow I can never talk to non-fishy people about fish... They just aren't interested most of the time and I've pretty much given up :p I will start mentioning my fish more from now on though...
True...most people who don't have fish don't understand how we can be so "into them".
I work in a big retail store that employs roughly 500 people. My kids got me a baseball-type cap that says "Got Fish?" on it , and I frequently wear shirts with fish designs on them. I get a lot of comments from people about the "Got Fish?" hat, and I always tell them that yeah, I've got fish... wanna buy some? Found a lot of customers this way, and also got some good deals from people on fish stuff they don't want anymore. Kinda breaks the ice, if people have any interest, or had any interest, in fish, they will usually say something about what you are wearing if they notice it's all fish-themed.

I'm weird, I know. :p
I have recieved some tanks that way. I have several sitting up in the attic because of no room to set them up. The best being a 45 gallon hex.
Where i live, i have a not so good petstore (yorkdale's Pj's pets mart) but the manage there, i was talking to him before and he was very nice :D he asked us to tell him out phone numbers and stuff so any bargain. he can phone us cause sometimes customers dont want their tanks and stuff ;)
Pfft, I wish I could get free tanks! It's not like I haven't tried the suggested method... I talk to anyone and everyone about fish, but that's because I'm slightly obsessed with my little guys :D
I too have been mother in law was into fish-keeping years ago and my 100ltr came from her (plus heater/pump etc).

Just came back from a week in Devon (south UK) and my wife's Grandfather gave us a Clearseal 15ltr tank that was bought and never used.............that's now my Fry grow-out tank...... :D :D

I love freebies........ :rolleyes:
kevin007 said:
Where i live, i have a not so good petstore (yorkdale's Pj's pets mart) but the manage there, i was talking to him before and he was very nice :D he asked us to tell him out phone numbers and stuff so any bargain. he can phone us cause sometimes customers dont want their tanks and stuff ;)
I'm assuming you live in Toronto? Unless there's another Yorkdale out there with a PJ's?!?!?!

If so... go to Big Al's in Scarborough next time. :p :D

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