How to get free tanks

That's how I got my 2nd 55g.....FREEE :D My step-son was at his Grandma's, playing around in the garage, and "found" the tank. He mentioned to her that I would REALLY like that. She gave it to me :thumbs: Nothing came with it, but it holds water ;)
UPDATE: I just got another 30 gal with everything (stand, heater, air pump, filter, and more), plus another 10 gal with stand. These were from my friend Matt, he had him laying around his basement unused for about 4 years he said, so he told me I could take them.
I'm slowly turning a very pretty shade of green from extreme envy.....

....wishing I could be so lucky :sad:

Enjoy your new tank!! What are you putting in it??

if you cannot get them for free, GARAGE SALES OR YARD SALES. I got a good 10g tank (kinda old, but oh well) for $1. Garage sales are good, I got 2 1gallon tanks, 1 2 gallon tank and a 10gallon tank for under $7 GOOD DEAL!
also, check the newspapers for adds, 55g salt, with everything needed
for like $60 (I didn't have room for it) also, call as soon as possible, other people may snatch it up real quick

JDH said:
kevin007 said:
Where i live, i have a not so good petstore (yorkdale's Pj's pets mart) but the manage there, i was talking to him before and he was very nice :D he asked us to tell him out phone numbers and stuff so any bargain. he can phone us cause sometimes customers dont want their tanks and stuff ;)
I'm assuming you live in Toronto? Unless there's another Yorkdale out there with a PJ's?!?!?!

If so... go to Big Al's in Scarborough next time. :p :D
I got to

scarbrough big als
The one next to center point mall (big als too)
yorkdale's pj's pets mart
fairview's pj's pets mart
..Pets mart :crazy:
and one more i wouldn't mention, includes good, healthy and CHEAP fish $13discus..$30 gold nugget plecos..i wouldnt mention because i dont want too many ppl knowing that store, you you do congrats

the scarbrough big als isnt good at all, i once brought 6 sterbai cories there, all died, but my 8 sterbai that i brought for $30(even cheaper) survived and is now breeding :)
I second the going to schools idea. My HS had several tanks sitting in the storage room. For all I know, they're still there. I didn't want to ask for them. :p They're the metal-framed one, but they'd still work. :lol:
Call fish stores and ask if they have any "defective" tanks. Sometimes in storage they have some with minor leaks.
Or make friends with the employees at the LFS.. they'll tell you if they know of empty tanks that need to be disposed of, or if they have any themselves.
I just casually mentioned to my friend at the LFS that I needed a heater, and the next time I went in he had a 50 watt tronic heater waiting for me. :D
That's a good idea guys...I might have to try that out...although I'm running out of room, and my girlfriend and mom are about ready to kill me.
It's true, there are a lot of tanks and equipment laying around that people would be happy to get rid of. :nod:

I got most of my equipment used, at yard sales or from lfs, but my favorite tank is still the 20 gallon long that I found out at the curb with someone's trash. :*)
Some of my tanks were in our basement (left from my dad), but I got most of mine for dirt cheap over the summer. The only tanks that I ever got brand new were a 10g and 55g :p
I just got my second FREE 55g :lol: I scan the classifieds every week, whether I need something or not :p I spotted an ad that said "Misc. FREE. Golf Clubs, Futon, 60g Aquarium w/Stand, LOTS of stuff, Bring a Truck, 1st come, 1st served."

I immediately called and was the first. He apparently got calls the rest of the day on it, but he held it for me :thumbs: Turned out his Roomie just left it all there and he gave it away.

Just got to keep your eyes open :nod:

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