How To Explain To The Layman Why Interchanging Fish And (human) Food U

you are most definetly being over paranoid :unsure:

i use stuff we use in the fish tank all the time, jugs, and spoons and all sorts! no problem!! as long as it is washed properly (just as you'd wash the dishes after using them) no special attention needed. :D

kat :)
I live with fish all around me, and use whatever comes to hand when I need something to use for them. I've even used a colander to net a fish once. :X
If you have any big and spiny catfish, that's the best way to get them, especially Pims and Doradids.

So long as it's rinsed, what is the problem?
Plastic can absorb some of the chemicals or smells from things that are stored in them so if the plastic has taken on a fishy smell it could take a few washings to get the smell out and that smell may be transfered to the food, but unless there is a super, super-taster or a person with a bloodhounds nose it should not be a problem. :p
This is why we dont....


Nice one mr miagi32. :lol: Did you make it?
Imagine if you smeared a bunch of human waste in a bucket once a week. Would you feel comfortable just "giving it a good wash" and then drinking from it ... no that's what i thought.
Imagine if you smeared a bunch of human waste in a bucket once a week. Would you feel comfortable just "giving it a good wash" and then drinking from it ... no that's what i thought.
You forget that human waste is a hell of a lot more likely to carry bacteria and viruses that cause disease in humans than fish waste is, though, so it's really not comparable at all.
If I use a kitchen item for anything in the fishroom, I rinse it really good first before using it in any tank, don't want any soap residue in there. After I'm done using it, I let the dog lick it real good & clean, then put it back in the cabinet.

Hahaha, hope my wife sees this, she scopes out the forums from time to time. Most everything for fish is fish specific, it stays down in the fishroom. I have plenty of cups, bowls, and other various containers to choose from.

It wouldn't bother me using something back & forth, I'll bet tropical fish are cleaner than commercially produced poultry. If you have ever used a plate to season raw chicken, washed that plate, then used it to eat off of, you have exposed yourself to more funky bacteria than tropical fish contain.

Imagine if you smeared a bunch of human waste in a bucket once a week. Would you feel comfortable just "giving it a good wash" and then drinking from it ... no that's what i thought.

human duke isnt suspended in water and its a hell of a lot bigger. if you were comparing it like that, why would you drink from a cup that an ant stepped in and took a dump in?
human waste is a hell of a lot more likely to carry bacteria and viruses that cause disease in humans than fish waste is, though, so it's really not comparable at all.

Absolutely correct. It sounds like some people are being a little overcautious here :/

You dont keep fish if you cant stand a little fish waste. It personally doesnt bother me at all using utensils for fish stuff. In fact, this may sound disgusting, but if im siphoning and I get a little water in my mouth, I dont spit it back out, since the water may return to the tank in a little while. Its about thinking about the fish and putting them ahead :/

And im someone who got sick 3 times from my tanks.....
You'll not get fish TB from eating/ drinking infected water. You get it via broken skin. That particular nasty can't survive the acids etc in your stomache.
Personally, I'd not start a siphon by sucking it, but would definitely use a well-washed utensil that had been used in a fish tank.
Hmmm, maybe it's just the way I was brought up- ie, my mum was always the one who was responsible for the utensils- all pets- and we had many- had to have their bowls and forks etc. kept separately and washed separately. That included goldfish utensils.
Though she hated pets.. that could be why...
Catching a catfish in a colander sounds like a handy idea. I wouldn't use it for humans after though! I have always kept pet utensils separate from human utensils. Basic hygiene. I always wash my hands before I make drinks or prepare food. I can't tell you the last time anyone in this house had a stomach upset or vomitting. But then I have a GCE in Human Biology, Physiology and Hygiene! :lol: I'm a mum but I don't hate the pets!
I'm a bit like Tolak- I've had fish long enough to have everything I need fish specific. What's the point of using a spoon for meds and not just keeping it separate for next time? Or a pint glass for aquascaping substrate? There's no need to put it back into the human food chain, or risk detergent contamination next time.

As for the syphon, I do mouth start sometimes, and occasionally get a taste of fish water, but I'd certainly not swallow it, that's just asking for trouble (as chestnut seems to be testifying)!

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