How to do a fishless cycle

Took me quite a few stores before i found surprises me that every lfs i go to, just give me the blank stare when i ask for ammonia
Just found this out...

Formal definition of PPM is mg per Kg of substance
(10^-6 : mg/kg= 10^-6 = factor million)

Since we know that 1 Kg water is 1 liter, we can say that for waterous dilutions of a substance, PPM is mg per liter, i.e. ppm = mg/l.

This is OK as long as the density of the waterous solution does not significantly deviates from 1.00 Kg per liter.

So, does anyone know what the true density of the ammonium solutions is?
its 5 ppm,

Or atleast thats the way i read it and its working for my tank

In the UK it is VERY difficult to find decent ammonia. After several inquiries at chemists I was told that it is restricted as it used in the manufacture of explosives! Like others have found, household ammonia is sold with additives (probably to restrict it's use to cleaning)

I finally managed to discover that pure ammonium hydroxide (25% grade) is used in the print industry and I managed to obtain a quantity. HOWEVER, there are strict health and safety rules as pure ammonia is very hazardous (the vapour is corrosive to skin, lung membranes and eyes!!)

I must stress it's pretty nasty stuff. A google for 'ammonium hydroxide safety data' list will list the details.

That said, it's the business; less than 1mL in 41 gallons raised ammonia to 5ppm.
its not that hard evry branch of boots sells a solution of 9.5% amonia
it was all very good and understandable but i just want to clarify what it means by nitrite spike does it just mean that the readings get higher on the test kit?
in the US, if you have an ACE hardware near you, they carry janitorial strength ammonia that is a 10% ammonium hydroxide solution.
Now I am completely lost! :S

I purchased "Household Ammonia" from homebase (UK) which only states that contains ammonia solution 9.5% on the label

Some posts are stating I need a bacteria source while some dont - is there a definitive answer here?? :blink:

From what I can gather I need to do the following:
1. add a certain proportion of ammonia to get the level to around 6 ?
2. wait for it to go down to 0

I have a Tetratest Laborett which I can get tests for pH KH GH NO2 and CO2 as well as an ammonia test kit (Aquarium pharmaceuticals inc) - are these ok for this or do I need something else and if so where??

apologies for the bombardment with questions :crazy:
I was reading this cycling thing, then I started to wonder. You said that flakes left at the bottom would eventually turn into ammonia, right? Well, for the cycling process, couldn't you just drop a bit of flakes into the water and let it dissolve to create the ammonia to get the cycling process started? Of course, once its going well you would clean it out, but this sounds like it would work to me, but I'm just a begginer! :dunno: So, Could Clarify for me? Also, do people usually have either an air pump connected to something (such as an air stone, bubble wall, or a little decorative piece, you know!) OR live plants, or is it typical to have both? I have the bubble wall thing and a little bubble decration and wasn't sure if I should get live plants or the plastic kind, not being sure that the live plants wouldn't have enough to breathe off of due to the air already being put into the tank (this is my first time really getting into the whole keeping fish thing, I've had the goldfish and bettas before when younger, as most have, but I think this could be something that I really enjoy and could put a lot of effort in, so excuse what I think might be "dumb" qestions for you guys ???? ! )haha. Thanks for everything you guys! I've really learned a lot off of reading from here!

I was reading this cycling thing, then I started to wonder. You said that flakes left at the bottom would eventually turn into ammonia, right? Well, for the cycling process, couldn't you just drop a bit of flakes into the water and let it dissolve to create the ammonia to get the cycling process started? Of course, once its going well you would clean it out, but this sounds like it would work to me, but I'm just a begginer! :dunno: So, Could Clarify for me? Also, do people usually have either an air pump connected to something (such as an air stone, bubble wall, or a little decorative piece, you know!) OR live plants, or is it typical to have both? I have the bubble wall thing and a little bubble decration and wasn't sure if I should get live plants or the plastic kind, not being sure that the live plants wouldn't have enough to breathe off of due to the air already being put into the tank (this is my first time really getting into the whole keeping fish thing, I've had the goldfish and bettas before when younger, as most have, but I think this could be something that I really enjoy and could put a lot of effort in, so excuse what I think might be "dumb" qestions for you guys ???? ! )haha. Thanks for everything you guys! I've really learned a lot off of reading from here!


i do a fish-less cycle set the tank up as the norm run for two days add a hand full of gravel from an already established
tank and about two pints of water from the same tank then add frozen blood worm or flake food bring the temp up just touch and airate gently test at the end of the frist week normaly will take about two to three weeks but keep testing
for the spikes ammonia and nitrite once they have peaked and droped back you can slowly add your fish

good luck
good fish keeping biff :good:
Adding water from an established tank doesn't do anything by way of introducing beneficial bacteria; used filter media is best, if not, some gravel is second best.
Adding water from an established tank doesn't do anything by way of introducing beneficial bacteria; used filter media is best, if not, some gravel is second best.

no your right but it does help and give the bacteria a
sporting chance

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