How Soon Can You Add Snails?

My nerites do VERY well in the sand. Their poo is a lot easier to clean up in the sand as well. I have nerites in freshwater with gravel, freshwater with sand, and brackish with sand. They absolutely thrive.
Fantastic, thank you for the help!
Currently leaving my 54L tank project aside until the plants begin to grow and I can get all of the equipment sorted, but in the mean time, I've got a question: how soon into starting up a tank can you put snails in? I've got a good amount of MTS in my 170L, and was wondering if (once I can get the lid) I'd be able to put them in right away?
Saw three of them this morning. I love snails so much, can't believe they're so universally hated haha.
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So snails are a thing now. I've been seeing this for the past year on other fish forums. I have to say, I didn't add snails to my very first tank until the algae got to be too much for the asian stone (miniature) catfish and Plecostomus. Then, I got 'snails.' I never knew the breed - we got them in exchange for a tiger barb who didn't seem to like the community in the tank. If I remember right, we got a little baggy with, like 5 of these tiny little mollusks. And, again, I don't remember how long it took, but I think it might have been a month, the tank was overridden with these little snails. Eventually, I put a few leaves of lettuce down on the substrate and hung a few, low, with paper clips, along the sides of the tank to attract whatever I could. We got rid of these things, but it took several of these lettuce maneuvers. In answer to your question, as soon as you have a tank with any algae at all, it's ready for snails. But, they might need some natural barriers/predators to keep their population manageable. There might be snail breeds that require something special, but these tiny little periwinkle things that I had only needed algae.

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