Okay I think I have decided more or less what I want to have in my tank:
1. Rams (hopefully a pair)
2. Angelfish (1)
3. Somthing like neons or cardinal tetras. Probably a school of 10.
1. I definitely want rams in. Still deciding German or Bolivian but I think I'm going to go with Bolivian rams due to them being the hardier than the German Ram.
2. The angelfish might be replaced, because its adult size is quite big, with some other fish but for now it sounds good. Any recommendations of something else?
3. Want to have some type of schooling fish that has alot of colour, thus I'm thinking neons or cardinals.
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I would not consider angelfish; the tank is not sufficient space, and this is not the best for the angelfish, alone, plus when stressed (as being alone can do) they may become more aggressive. Also, mature angelfish frequently see linear fish like neons and cardinals as food. When fish are maintained in an environment that is so contrary to what they are programmed for, they are usually under stress. Avoid the risk.
Rams. Bolivian is a better choice because it will be fine at "normal" temperatures (blue ram needs warmth, 80F/27C minimum). If you want two, in such a small tank, they will have to be a bonded pair, or one of them will be dead before long. I would recommend a single Bolivian Ram on its own. This species is believed to live in isolation in its habitat, except when spawning. I had a male that lived into its ninth year (which is well past their normal lifespan) on his own. Being a cichlid, he "owned" the tank, and kept everyone else (tetras, catfish) in line, which was fascinating to observe.
There are endless possibilities for shoaling fish, tank size being the only restraining factor. Bolivian Ram is peaceful, it will sometimes "lay down the law" to cories that get in its way at feeding, since rams eat from the substrate just as cories do, but this usually is confined to a shove or two to exert its dominance. Cardinals would be a better choice than neons, of these two you mention, primarily because neons prefer cooler water and the Bolivian should not be quite that cool, so with a temperature around 76-77F (25 C) the cardinal would fare better. A group of 9-10 would be fine. You could even increase the temperature a degree for both, depending what other fish you acquire.
Cories are often good fish in community tanks. All of this leaves the upper level rather empty, as cories, rams and cardinals are primarily lower-level fish, mid-tank and below in the water column. Hatchetfish are an option, but only the smaller species in the genus
Carnegiella, maybe the popular Marble Hatchetfish (
Carnegiella strigata), in a group of 8-10.
Or there is the Rocket or Diptail Pencilfish,
Nannostomus eques, that swims at an oblique angle and remains in the upper water. A group of 8-10.
Just some ideas.
Edit. Just noticed BeckyCats post. Yes, sand is a better substrate period. Cories and rams should be over sand, as they do sift it for food, this is a part of their inherent behaviours. As for eating small fish, I've never observed that, and I have had Bolivian Rams twice, but that doesn't prove anything. But in suitable surroundings, such "exceptions" are less likely. Back to my point above on angelfish being more aggressive in unsuitable surroundings, this is very common with fish. Providing them with an environment (the aquascape, water parameters, decor, other species) that is natural for the species will tend to avoid the problems.