Thank you. I have been reading around the internet, and talking to people who have done this before.
I'm in north Florida, right in the path of the fires.
I am feeding him KMR. The lady who had him first, got some KMR from the agriculture teacher, but then the vet gave her some, too. They are in two seperate containers, but could I mix them together to make things easier?
I have a ticking clock just outside of his box, and I have a heating pad under the box, but he can get away from the heat if he wanted to. (Towels are stacked thicker on one side of the box.) So far he has chosen to stay as close to the heat as possible. I put a pillow over part of the box to try to retain the heat.
I feed him every 3 hours, except I miss a feeding when I am at school for 6 hours. I was told that this would be ok as long as the other feedings are on time. When I get home, he was awake but not meowing for food. I heat a glass of water for 2 minutes in the microwave, I put the bottle of KMR in the glass of water and let it sit for 2 more minutes, and I squirt a little of the milk on my finger to test the warmth. I have been heating it to about the warmth of bath water, which I think is about 97 degrees or so. I guess I should have it a little warmer? I just didn't want to burn his little tounge...
So far he has pee'd just about every time I stimulate him, and he poops every few times. (Hes cute when he eats, but I won't miss the pooping part!
He seems to be doing quite well, knock on wood. We might have to evacuate because of the fire, and I am trying to figure out how to situate him along with the 4 dogs, other cat, 5 rats, and rabbit.
I will make it work.