How Often To Add Fertiliser?

ok one last thing to clear up. once algae has taken hold. would an overdose of ferts be beneficial to the algae once it has taken hold?

It will use it to feed itself. But before you ask - I would absolutely never stop dosing ferts if you have algae in a planted tank,
You need to solve the problem, and that won't do it.

ok one last thing to clear up. once algae has taken hold. would an overdose of ferts be beneficial to the algae once it has taken hold?

It will use it to feed itself. But before you ask - I would absolutely never stop dosing ferts if you have algae in a planted tank,
You need to solve the problem, and that won't do it.

i had ahir alage once and info i recieved about that told me it was an ovedose of ferts seems as i use seachem flourish and excell. i never did stop dosing ferts but increased my excell and after alot of trimming i got it under control, thanks for the correct info, appreciated alot!
If you're using excell IMO you need full Nitrate and Phosphate or you risk a lack of nutrients...leading to algae. Flourish is only a trace fert.
Ironically the excel itself can help control the algae itself - but that's more it being an algaecide than control IMO

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