How Often Do You Clean Your Filter?

How Often?

  • Good Rinse With Weekly Water Change

    Votes: 5 13.2%
  • Rinse Every Couple Of Weeks

    Votes: 4 10.5%
  • Clean Once A Month

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Just When The Flow Is Reduced

    Votes: 23 60.5%

  • Total voters
Sooooo, where's my gunk coming from <img src="<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" />

not a clue ????

i am actually stumped by this one, the only thing i can think of, is the filter pads too fine? so nothing can pass through
I have an eheim external 2075 pro 3 filter which has quite a large media surface area.

I tend to clean the filter out every 3 months, this includes impeller, rinsing all media in tank water and cleaning out all the pipes.

Even after 3 months there isnt really any noticable difference in flow.

I have an eheim external 2075 pro 3 filter which has quite a large media surface area.

I tend to clean the filter out every 3 months, this includes impeller, rinsing all media in tank water and cleaning out all the pipes.

Even after 3 months there isnt really any noticable difference in flow.

JustKia, it may be a case of the filter struggling with the fish load in the tank. Once media is taken into account your probably only getting around 2x turnover. The figures that fluval 'claim' regarding turnover is before media is added to the filter. The figures basically say the filter is 'capable' of 225gph but with the media etc restricting flow you wont actually be getting that.

The only company I know of that actually state correct figures after taking into account media are eheim.

I have an eheim external on a 33 gal tank and it provides 10x turnover and I only clean it every 3 months or so and even then the flow hasnt reduced, I just tend to prefer to keep on top of it.

I know the flow of the Fluval is theoretical not neccessarily actual, but it should be enough filtration for the size tank and stock.
Additional circulation is provided by the Koralia 3 pump.
The filter has got 4 coarse sponges first - these have literally turned to "mud" in 7-10 days just now whereas before that didn't happen even in 2-3 months.
Then I've got 3 baskets of ceramic noodles and the top basket of floss.
I'm considering running my Eheim 2224 alongside the F405 to see if that makes much difference.
I had planned to use the Eheim on my male bettas tank, but I can always fall back on the F3+ or FU2 instead for that if need be.
Sooooo, where's my gunk coming from
over feeding? meaning no offense, but thats why most filters, clog, in such a short time.
No offense taken =)
I wondered that so I put the fish on a "light" feeding a couple weeks back. They're getting feed only in the evening and only on 2 of 3 days (and yep, that feels mean, but no-one is looking skinny for it).

I'm also wondering if it's related to having used kitty litter for a plant substrate?
I'll find out, I guess, as we're going to strip the tank back this weekend (so not looking forward to the work involved), remove the litter and go back to just regular old playsand.
I clean my tetratec ex700 twice a year but try and replace the floss 4x a year.

Just reading thru the thread and i was wondering what your substrate is (cat litter i know) but also how close the outtake was to the surface of the substrate?

just wondered if substrate was slowly getting sucked into the filter?
It is (was) about 1" litter capped with 1.5" play sand, unfortunately Paddy the Plec decided it looked better mixed, rather than in nice layers :rolleyes: another reason why it's coming out.
The filter intake is about 3" above the substrate, although it is next to a piece of bogwood right now (about to change).
Maybe I've just got a "gunk fairy"?
I've spent a little bit of my weekend thinking about your "fairy gunk", and reading back thru the thread i thought i'd suggest something.

Instead of running the coarse foam first (which is clogging so quickly) *I have a TetraTec Ex700 so bear with me here*

First Tray: Noodles topped with one piece of foam
2nd tray Noodles
3rd tray Foam x2
4th tray another biological media (noodles, balls or something else with high surface area

My thinking is that the dirtiest water is clearly clogging the pirmary sponge too quickly and ruining the flow of water and thus the turnover of water.

If you use a more staggered approach thru the whole cannister then maybe it'll keep the flow higher without necessarily sacrificing mech or bio filtering.

What do you and others think?
When I see the flow is less I clean it on my aqua clear. My Ehemi I try and do it every 6 months. In my planted tank I need to clean it out more often.
Hi Fubar =)

Aww thanks for thinking of me.
I can't move the coarse sponges as they are in the sort of divider in the Fluval 405.
But the gunk fairy is spreading it through the canister, all over the ceramic noodles and floss too.
*touch wood* since posting this the flow is still going good.
I've cut back feeding even more - I swear the fish are pointing at theor mouths going *ahem* food-goes-here*ahem*. I've also staggered the feeding so there's only ever a tiny bit in there at any time.
And also moved the piece of bogwood that was near the inlet.

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