How much of an addict are you??

gadazobe said:
Had to go to the docs today and on the way I pass my lfs. I just HAD to look in there to see if there was anything new and I came away with 4 clown loaches (need em for the snails). They're already doing their job and I can see them crunching away at the baby snails :rolleyes: Got to go to the dentist now, also passing the same lfs on the way. Wonder what I'll come back with this time :hyper:
The only known side effect of Multiple Tank Syndrome is an empty wallet!! :)
I hear that!!That's gotta be one of the first symptoms....
lack of money!!! :p :D :p
It seems like us addicts are never satisfied......
Everytime i set up a new tank or get a new fish....
after a month or so I'm feining for something new that i've seen or heard about. Can't wait to get my own house then it'll all be cured!!! :p(besides the lack of money part)
Can't wait to get my own house then it'll all be cured!!!
Cured? :S Don't you realise that this is an incurable disease. The only thing that can stop it's progress is LOM (lack of money) and even then the really badly inflicted find ways around that (have you ever told a friend that you'd be happy to look after his sick fish, tank, or whatever while he's away on hols and somehow, it never goes backto the original owner :crazy: ) i do believe that's never happend.(well to me,What about You?)lol -_- :p :D :p
I am definatly in the early stages of MTS! i can't go a week without going to the lfs, and just wandering. I'm saving up for my third tank now, and i spend a good hour watching my current tanks every day. I only saw one quarter of the Super Bowl last night because it was water change time :D

My g/f thinks i'm nuts! :S
LOL...sounds very similar to my night except my new tang. tank is right beside my tv so it was sorta like i was watching the superbowl out of one eye and my tank out the other.(you gotta love those many, many, many hours you spend in front of the brand new tanks.) :) I only spend many, many hours in front of the old ones :p :D :p

I'm up to 4 tanks and Since i just did a new one sat. i'm straight for a good month or two, but after that i know i'm gonna find something new i'd like to add to my collection, and try and find an excuse to buy another tank. :D

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