How much Lighting?


New Member
Jul 8, 2005
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Hi, Im curious to know what you might think is the proper lighting amount. I read in a book 10 to 12 hours just wondering what you guys thought or what you did, Im not sure how important it is to stay on time with when you have the light on and off. Also curious I have 5 tetras 5 zebras 2 angels 2 gouramis 2 chine algae eaters, one molly- my girlfriend really stocked the tank Id like to get a cool GUY fish B) Is there a fish that might get along with these others, like a blowfish or someething different ya know out of the ordinary I could get? Its a 30 gallon tank Im sure its near the limit but all fish must be babys as the angels arent much bigger than the zebras and the all actully get along Very well. The neons think they are gouamis!? is that typical with younger fish?
Almost forgot, Base your lighting on daylight hours in the wild and mix in a bit of "when you want to see them" add in a bit of how much light ya plants need and then by jove youv'e got it :D
SO there is no reallt set pattern of lighting? right now I leave the light on overnight and turn it off during the dat as there is a little light from the windows, but obviously its still kinda dark in the tank. does that sound ok, what about othre breed recommendations within that tank?
you leave the light on over night but turn it off during the day??

Sleep deprovation is not good for anthing - Fish and plants included!

If you've not got plants in there - just turn in on to view the fish - a few hours in the evening will be fine.

If you have live plants - 10-12hours would be best... during the day!
I think light really comes into play when you are dealing with plants. HOWEVER, too much light and you are more likely to get algae. Also, remember, in their natural environment, their water would stay bright as long as it is day time, and fish do sleep.

I would say to probably aim for 12 hours of light per day, no more than 14. I use a timer on all my tanks, so I don't have to worry about leaving it on. Pick what times you will be around your fish and set the timer accordingly. For example, my lights are on 10 - 10. If Iwant to see my fish in the morning, I just over ride the timer for a quick check.
Seriously!! I have plants but they are fake,lol the book i read must have meant if you had live plants! jesus I have left the light on for loong times thinking they would need light, Im glad I asked that question, so maybe I should leave it on during the day and turn it off at night or would that be to dark ? or have it off during the day leave it on when I get home from work and turn it off when I go to bed. Im really glad I joined this forum because I guess I really dont know too much! :hyper:
I would figure out what time you usually go to bed, and get a timer to turn the lights on 12 hours prior to that.

Think of how dark it is at night in the wild. They will be fine in a dark tank. There isn't any monsters hiding in the plants :)
tttnjfttt said:
I would figure out what time you usually go to bed, and get a timer to turn the lights on 12 hours prior to that.
Where can you get those timers?

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