How Much Harder?


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
As most of you might know I have moved my 6 foot tank today back to my parents house. It is in the garage and mum said it can't be permanent yet they get funny when I say about moving out as I am in debt atm.

She suggested using a 3 foot tank that holds 200l instead. Now my tank is 380l, the sump has been broken so it is back to sumpless for now. This also means the water level is going to have to run lower than the bulkheads so again loses water volume.

I have lost some interest in my tank during this break up, it reminds me of him and stuff (wont give you the details) and I am currently very unhappy and finding little joy in anything. I know I would regret selling completely.

I don't like the idea of downgrading as really want a regal tang and also it being here I know I will not be able to do as much maintenance and wont have the drive to do it. Also I know smaller tanks ned more maintenance.

What do people think would be better? Is it harded to have a 200l tank?

ALso if I get a sump back on the 6foot I won't be able to run the skimmer as mum will not let me have it out the side of the cabinet how it was. Will a large tank be okay skimmerless?

What differences in maintenance are there with a 3foot and 6 foot tank roughly?

SOrry for the nonsense!
My first SW tank's a 36g, so a lot less than 200l, and you don't see me batting an eyelash. ;) I think having a smaller tank the way you want it is better than having a bigger tank and always having to have to hear about your family not liking it. For me, that's a lot of negative energy you don't need right now. If smaller means permanent, and they'll be nicer about it, then I'd go for smaller. Just what I think. Regal tangs aren't everything, you know. Lots of lovely fish for the nanos...

200l is about big enough for a yellow tang :)
Go for it if it's going to be easier, my ranks 200lt and the only problems I had was the hardships of azoox's LOL.

Lightly stock your tank and do regular WC's and you can forget the skimmer, that or by an internal (like the ones I use)
i agree with liz on this weeza, and 200l is not exactly a nano either, maybe you could sell the 6ft'er and half the rock which would fund quite a nice but smaller tank, maybe with a sump included. when i was first thinking of turning to marine i was told that my tank was a good size to start with and its 240l so not a hell of a lot different than what you are thinking about. also something to think about is you are starting a totally new project here so no bad memories with the new set up, also in time when you are back on your feet again and in your own place (with your rules) you can then go for the big'un with your regal :good: . as for your question on how difficult it is running the smaller tank, 200l shouldnt be a headache and you already have lots of knowledge on setting up the tank.
also let me say i for one am pleased to see you back on here :D
I think maybe in this case you need to go some way to easing things with your parents. You have to imagine the disruption to them, it can't be easy, and they probably just want you to sort yourself out. If you are that far in debt then maybe the sensible thing to do would be get rid of that tank, as you say it reminds you of bad things and I'm sure your parents will soon get pretty annoyed if you are spending money on a marine tank rather than sorting out your existing debts.
I think I would be tempted to sell up and go with something smaller for now and look forward to the future.
Regal tangs aren't all that anyway! (awaits the abuse :lol:)

Sure they are cute when small, but they lose a lot of appeal when they get bigger. Plus they are whitespot magnets!

If a 200l is all you can have, have it! You will still be able to get some great stock in there. :)
Regal tangs aren't all that anyway! (awaits the abuse :lol:)

Sure they are cute when small, but they lose a lot of appeal when they get bigger. Plus they are whitespot magnets!

If a 200l is all you can have, have it! You will still be able to get some great stock in there. :)

Down with Dory! :lol:
and i never saw any fish #105### as much as one of those, the one i saw was a one man marine fertiliser machine :sick:
Regal tanks aren't all that????

How dare you say that about the marine 'flagship' fish! :lol:
Regal tanks aren't all that????

How dare you say that about the marine 'flagship' fish! :lol:

Lol surely the Clown fish is the flag ship fish. Every shop LFS that has anything even remotely salty has to slap up at least 30 pictures of clowns.

I would go with the smaller tank weeza as others have said. Marine is a long term hobby so as your frags grow you can start saving up to setup your bigger tank and start planning an upgrade.

Regal is probably my least favourite tang. I love kole tangs they look like there dressed in a pin stripe suit.
Hi weez if down grading us the way to keep your parents happy then do it. It will save you money as you could sell some of your LR off to help towards your debt and a 200l isn't exactly a small tank an will still be a reasonably stable system so as long as you perform weekly wc and dont overstock then you can go skimmer less.

I agree with what HG says about keeping your parents happy as they obviously worry about you and your current financial situation and the fact that your running a large tank that requires money been thrown at it monthly then a smaller tank would be better as it won't cost you as much (in theory).

Use the 3 ft, sell your six footer and the lighting unit and whatever else you can get away with and use the money to pay towards your debts.
Get yourself out of trouble first before you worry about a few measly fish. Once your sorted then if you still have a passion for fish keeping then perhaps you could one day upgrade to another monster.

Concentrate on yourself first!!!!

Take care weez
I would say go with the 200l

There is still some awesome fish that you can put in like the smaller angels and wrasses.

My 60l which is alot smaller that a 200l is very easy to maintain and all of my levels are excellent and have never had a problem yet touch wood.

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