How Much Do You Spend On Fish Food


Apr 12, 2008
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How much on an average week/month do you spend on food for your fish?

This question is sparked off by me going down the LFS, and got another tub of cichlid pellets. I decided to go for the real jumbo size simply for the economy factor that buying large tins brings. Brought it to the till and he said "That'll be £21 for the food please". I then looked at the smaller tins for comparison, and some of the smaller tins we like £8-9.
As anyone knows if you have a large tank with large hungry fish, the cost of food can soon mount up.

thankfully for me i dont spend alot. I think sine i started in jan. i may have spent $50.00 bucks on food. becasue of all the differnt things i keep, and i was struggling to get some fish to eat so i was trying different things that i dont use at all now.
I don't want to add it all up, but I go through a pack of frozen bloodworms every week... it's not pretty. I also feed raw, frozen shrimp, hikari cichlid gold pellets (not cheap!), earthworms, red wigglers, and other misc. things.
I know. If you did add it up, roughly what do you think it would be?

Haven't bought fish food in over a month. Partially becuase the month before I was spending 5 bux here, 7 bux there, etc etc. So now im stocked up with pellets, wafers, micro food, live frozen food, everything except waste of money flakes.
My live bloodworm and shrimps comes to 9.20 a week, then you have frozen mussles and cockles, fozen blister packs of discus food, tubs of flake and plec pellets. I am not even going to guess. Scarey.
Like a few people above, I'm spending $3-12 here and there, and $6 every other week for live foods. Doesn't add up to much unless I run low on several things at once. I said just the other day my cat ate more than my fish, but typing it out, the fish definitely cost at least twice as much to feed.
i buy

10 packs of live brine shrimp & blood worm £6
2-3 pounds of live shrimp £3
1/2 pack of muscles frozen £4
1/2 pack fish frozen £4
lots of flake £1
Carnivore pellets and massiveore pellets £3

so averagely i spend about £20 a week !!!!!!! jees i wish i had not added that all up :sad: need to stop getting tanks and fish..............
When I got my first tank, I must have spent about £30 on foods (lasted me a while though!)
I spend arround £10 a month
the last time i went to the lfs, ( not pet shop) i spent £50( 2 oscars + plants), the next day-£15( cichlids stix, and,aqua plus)then the next day ( yesterday) i spent £32 on a new filter for the fry tank+£2.95 for blood worm+ £3 for goldie food

i have yet to go to the lfs and come out with the ONE item i went in for
i would say that that amount is typical for me, but for the goldfish i go to the pet shop, and spend hardley anything at all.......thank god i dont have a dog!!!!

shelagh xxx

hmmmm maybe i should make a budget?????
I don't pay for the main food I use (prawns)- since I use them for cooking too I can get away with getting mumsy to buy them. Saturday I bought a big thing of catfish pellets which was about £10, which will last a fair while. And I won a 'years supply' of fish food, so I've still got a couple of tubs of flake/small pellets.
Its not like emmsy to start random topics :p You should come into the chat some time and save forum space ;) haha.

I only buy small ammounts, if i were to get as much as some people here seem to id buy in bulk.
I spend an average of about £16 a week on fish food.

Weekly I buy three 150g bags of prawns, a courgette and a head of rommaine lettuce from the supermarket.

Once every two weeks i buy a fivers worth of live shrimp and a blister pack of frozen mysis shrimp from the LFS

Once a month i buy two 500g bags of whitebait and a 500g bag of mussels from the fish mongers and a bag of economy white fish fillets from the supermarket.

Once every two months or so i buy a 500g block of bloodworm and big tubs of catfish pellets and flake.

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