How Much Do You Pay For Corys?

wow lots of replys then
corys are quite expensiive fish then if you want a large group
i am going to a different lfs in the week to see what their prices are but they are so active fish and i need something on the bottom as my 2 clown loaches just hide for most of the day
is there anyway of breeding sterbai corys cos would like to try breeding corys in future so how easy they are to breed wil also effect my decision
obviously bronze corys are easiest but anything else easy??????
You may want to up your number of clown loaches to 6, as they are a schooling fish as well.

As for breeding Sterbai, try this link.
My peppered Corydoras was £2.99 at my local Pets At Home

Im liking the corys, but i want to change to sand to make it better for them but my mrs wont let me :-(
Well at my LFS that i frequent, i payed $2.99 each for my Paleatus, and $12.99 each for my Duplicareus.

Now he has a few more unusual ones in the tanks (He used to keep some corys himself) like Polysticulus, Guapore, Seussi, and a few others all near $30 each. I'm thinking right now i'll just expand on my school of Duplicareus or maybe pickup a school of Julii's (Real ones, not Trillinaetus LOL).
i used to have 6 black sterbai and i paid £55

as far as im aware there is no such fish as black sterbai lol :unsure:

i agree u can get albino strbia :rolleyes:

but even if they were Shultzei.
u got riped off paying £55 for 6 as they sell for top price £6 each

anyway truckasauras123
u pmed me a few months back asking to buy some blacks off me what i had advertised on here
and they was Shultzei lol so if u wasnt happy with them the first time why pm me about em ?

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