How Mnay Fish An I Get In A 75 Us Gal

i thought it meant that it ful size i didnt think it meant that they will grow so basically youre saying itsjust a younger fish not a diffrent type if that akes sense
yer from what i can tell they are just saying the size of the fish they are selling but dont worry its an easy mistake :good: also in a 75 gallon my personal opinion is you could have a regal tang. very debatable topic though
same here it also sez on your link all together there min is 70 gal so i probaly could get 1 in m 75 gal alsoi wll be using a sump so aurely now people would agree also people say all tangs reguire a min of 100 gal but alot of people say all tangs are diffent

so do you think i should get 1 or is not wort trying??
is this your first tank? if so then why not try something like a school of chromis, clowns, wrasses, maybe some sort of pseudichromis? just there are so many diferent type of fish that are out that other than tnags (which seem to be what most people with big tanks get) with the list i just said you could have blues, silvers, greens, reds, oranges and even pink colours and you would have more going on. As for how many of the things i said i dont really have a clue im more nano based :p.
just remember the ball is in your court do you want a tang and a few other fish or a fair ammount of smaller fish?
i am very intrested in these

2 clowns
3 lyretail anthia
1 lemongoby aka clown goby citron
1 flame angel fish

1 regal tang?

i have had a good look at all the fish the best place to have a look is

if i didnt get a regal tang what would u sugest i know ur nano but i like to ask lol
hmmmmm....... erm i cant name species coz i dont reasearch biger fish but i would go for theese colours in fish:
floresent pink
red/ orange
and one fish with lots of colours (such as a wrasse)
all looks reasonably good. ill leave it for one of the more expierienced reefers to confirm though. Why not try to get a school of something? will make foran interesting display
thats why i have got the 3 lyretails i am thinking of getting a fish simialr fish to the angel but blue if i cannot get the regal tang
I have no experience with SW but at a fish shop i went to they had a regal tang which was a foot if not longer.It was in like a 15ftx8ft x6ft display tank though.But from what i know about most SW fish that would be two big for a 75 gallon
ok thanks for tht well i will have to scrap that idea anybody got any suggestions im looking of a blue fish or a diffrent colour from the fish listed i am looking for something what doesnt school as i alredy have lyrtails

any comments help advice etc is welcome

If you want a fish with blue colouring then maybe you could get a blue and yellow damsel. I have a regal tang and a blue damsel and the damsel is a much more vibrant colour. It's also not going to get any bigger than a 50p so no problems with size :good:

Some people will tell you damsels are agressive but IMO it all depends on the individual fish. Mine is a little sweetie
i am looking more at a bigger size as i have a tropical tank i just wanted something diffrent like proper reef fish if u get my drift dont meen to be rude if i sound like it

but still thanks for the suggestion do u think someting like a coral beauty would be nice?

and what fish and how many could i add with the fish listed
the coral beauty's are stunning fish, may be prone to nipping at corals, generally tend to be ok with them though.

there may be compatability issues with the flame angl though, may be worth reserching the compatability before you buy.
god with the tang rules when i first got interested people where saying 55g is minimum for the likes ofregals and yellows and now your saying 100g is the minimum? :blink:

like i said, how would you like to be locked up in a 12ft X12ft cell? even prisoners get let out in the yard to stretch their legs. i think more people need to get some kind of concience when it comes to buying livestock. when i first bought a marine tank i wasn't aware that most of the fishe were wild caught, had i been there is no way i would have 1.

every fish i have has either been tank bred or bought from fellow reefers to sustain the sea life where it should be. don't get me wrong i'm not a member of green peace or anything, but i won't have a tang in my 100UK gal tank.

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