How Many Young People Are There Who Have Interest Of Tropical Fish

well im 17 and got my first tank about a month and a half ago and still every so often i have to come to my room just to check them. take thatbit of dead plant out , get that spec of the glass etc.
I now have two tanks luckily my 2nd one was cycled when i got it as it was someone elses and just had to move houses which wasnt far.
my dad kept them when i was younger and apparently whenever i was ill my mum would sit me infront of the tank as it would take my mind off it.
my friends thinks its a rubbish hobby but i got a friend at work into it now :D shes just starting off with a bowl though as she doesnt have much mone, but ill supply her with some of the goods hehe.
sure hope its not a phase.
I've just found that my first tank isn't cracked at all :) Looks like I'll be setting up a fifth tank, won't be space for many fish though, it's only small! I must have been thinking about another tank.
24 (v nearly 25 :blink: ) and have always wanted tropical fish, but having been at Uni in halls, then a year in France I didn't feel I was ever settled enough to get them. Now my b/f and I have a flat together and it looks like we'll be here for at least the next 2 years so we decided to look into keeping fish. It's now 3 weeks down the line, I'm just starting to cycle a 20G tank and a 10G should arrive from my parents in Sept.

If only I had more cash then I'd go for a bigger tank, but I suppose it's best to start small. Besides it's been distracting enough over the last few weeks as it is!

So not a young-un but not really an old-un, new to fish keeping but learning fast :)
Well, I started out with a Betta from from cousin when I was 14, which then inspired me to get my current 29 gallon aquarium. For a couple weeks he had the whole tank to himself, but then I got some Columbian tetras (which looking back, I am surprised that worked out as now that they are bigger my tetras are horrible fin nippers). Now I'm 17 and I still have 5 of my 6 original Columbian Tetras, plus 2 gouramis, 2 cory catfish (which I need more of), and a pleco. Plus a 2 gallon aquarium with an African Dwarf frog and several Malaysian trumpet snail stowaways.
I'm 15 next month, I have had bettas for about two years but I am now venturing out into community tanks. I think it's an awesome hobby! My friends think fish are pretty but aren't as interested as I am. My parents don't mind them, they would rather I spend time and money on living things that need responsible care than buying useless stuff or alcohol.
My year anniversary of keeping fish is in 3 Days...Well atleast being on this Forum for a year. My first fish was a betta. And from then on Ive kept Tetras...Corydoras...Plecs...Guppies...Snails...And now im into marine :D
I'm so old I forgot my age, so I guess I'm the same age as my tounge and a little older than my teeth, hang on that makes everyone the same age as me, Um um um oh now I have it, I'm 40 started keeping fish when I was 20 (gold fish) been keeping tropical for a year now.
Started with goldfish in a 5gal when i was 8, and have pretty much been into it since(im 15 now). Finding this forum a few months ago greatly boosted my interest too . My freinds all think its weird, but put up with my rantings :rolleyes: .
Well im 22 and about 6 months ago i knew nothing about fish and one day i randomly decided i wanted to keep fish so i did some research and got hooked on the subject and now all i do is talk about fish and aquatic plants to everyone which they find bizarre, and i come on here every day now as well. Cant explain where my fascination came from, did have some gold fish many years ago as a kid, sadly even then it was like 3 fish in a bowl job and now i know all about it i cant believe we kept them like that, saying that neither me or my parents knew any different and the internet didnt exist and thats where all the info i have no came from.
I am 18 and just getting back into fish keeping. I did it for a couple years when i was younger but then i started to get into trouble. Im very glad to be back into the hobby and look forward to many MANY more years of fish keeping.

Well I'm 20 and I never really paid much attention to fish when I was younger. But when my brother got a 20 gallon it peaked my interest. Unfortunately the fish all went kamikaze and jumped out of the tank in about a weeks time. When the tank was empty it got relegated to the basement and that was that. I was about 11 when this happened.

Eventually at 14 I trucked up the old tank and set it up in my bedroom. I had a gorgeous golden angel and three SAE, it was great and I loved it, but I had nary a clue about fish keeping and I'm amazed that the fish lived as long as they did. When the tank was empty ( I really mourned the loss of my angel) the tank was once again pushed aside.

I ended up travelling to Australia at 18 (I live in Canada) got engaged to an Aussi, then got married at 20 and now live in an apartment with my husband in Canada.

About a month and a bit ago a friend of mine was getting rid of her 5 gallon as she was upgrading to a bigger tank and offered the tank to me, thus I was smitten by fish keeping all over again, only this time I'm near obsessed!

I even picked up my brothers old 2 gallon and now have it set up, just waiting to decide on what to get and am planning to ask for a large tank for x-mas as the old 20 gallon I mentioned is cracked. Hee, my husband thinks I'm crazy. Especially as we have a small apartment and two cats already. :p

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