How many tropical aquariums do you own?

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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How many tropical aquariums do you own?

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Does a mini betta tank (1 quart aquarium - non-filtered but very pretty :* ) count as one?
Well here goes

200g with assorted medium sized catfish and predatory fish

55g mixed small fish community tank

40g african river themed tank

20g morgunda adspersa breeding tank

20g morgunda adspersa fry rearing tank

20g golden wonder panchax breeding tank

10g goldenwonder panchax fry rearing tank

10g Frogmouth catfish tank

plus 2x10 gallons 1x20 gallon 1x30 gallon and 1x75 gallon tank sitting empty waiting for me to move next year
Mine are

120 gallon~ african cichlids and loaches

50 g~ one big cichlid (midas/devil cross)

42 g hex~ loaches and a plec

29 g~ my greenies

10 g~ one betta

10 g~ turtle

10 g ~betta breeder

20 g ~empty

1 gl's~ 8 of those (bettas)

2 + 2.5 gl's~ 19 of those (more bettas,some divided)
I put two down, because *I* own two. One ten gallon, and one thirty gallon. But my sister owns two ten gallons and my mom owns one.
i'm jealous, i only have 1 tank right now, hopefully not for long though
I owned 3 until recently and then yesterday i bought another tank for fry! :alien:
Only 2 hex tanks....1 42gal. community and 1 2gal. for a crowntail betta. Wow I had no idea you had all those other tanks wuvmybetta....all you ever talk about is your beloved bettas. Just when you thought you were getting to know someone :-(
i have
70 gal w/ oscar and 2 common plecs
29 gal comunity
2-10 gal fry tank
10 gal w/ 2 goldfish and crawdad (not really tropical)
and a 10 gal half filled with some land for some kind of frog
I only have :kana: 10 gallon tank.

I plan to upgrade to a larger tank in the future when I move to a bigger place.
I have a tall 20 gallon, really weird can't find it in the stores now. Must be a really old tank. I also have a little tiny 10 gallon for my hospital/ molly fry tank. Then a 300 gallon pond but it doens't count really.
ponds are a lot of work...IMO they count for sure :D
I'm setting up a 350 pond for our turtle in the spring, we'll probably add a few friends for her too :hyper: weeeeeee!
i have a 20 gallon with 2 cories,9 tetras (3 neon, 3 silver tip and 3 something tetras), 5-6 guppies, 4 platies, 1 ghost shrimp..... i have a 7 gallon with 2 kribs that wont breed.... i have a 3 gallon with 2 swords in it, i have a 10 gallon with about 8-9 guppies for breeding and 3-4 ghost shrimp, along with a albino cory..... i also have a small container with a neon and guppy that only like cold water... theyve been in cold water because of bein sick... i didnt have an extra heater for their small plastic tank and nowhere else to put them.. theyve gotten used to cold water and dont like warm water atall......i also have a fish bowl for sick fish.. which has a very nice pink metallic female with lil bit of fungus on her fin....... i hope not to buy anymore tanks cuz itll jus cost me too much money

wow that took awhile to type 8) ... i have a few pics here :kewlpics:

and more pics on the way... jus waitin for my sister to bring back her dig cam so i can upload them :D

Just 1 community tank 20 gallon fish listed below but soon to be one 60 gallon community tank!! (Sometime near christmas!!!!)

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