How many tanks in your room?

I have two fishtanks; the ones in my sig. I'm getting a 5-or-so gallon betta aquarium for my desk in a few months, though. I may also get a huge tank in a year and put it downstairs.
Edit: I could always move my bed and put in a 15 gallon tank... or I could move my speakers and get some betta bowls, or remove everything from my bookshelf and set up another tank. Actually, I could just silicone my closet, add glass and make it into a fishtank....
I have 5 tanks in my room, A 55g community, a 20g quarantine, a 30g oddball, a 20g lizard tank, and a 5g betta home. A 15 is coming soon too. SEE SIGNATURE
I have 5 tanks. See sig. The 30,10 and 5 are in my room. The 20 is in my playroom, 1 is on my desk.
i only have 1 atm, in my room.

but i will soon have a 10 gallon in my room also

I wonder how a betta would cope in my locker at school, lol

Only joking, i would be that mean to a fish

EDIT: i said dining room instead of bedroom :X
In my bedroom, I have 8. Five 2.5's, two 20's and one 33. :*)
I had 7 at one time I have scaled back to 2 at the moment. I had to or was gonna lose my wife (was a tough decision :p) Seriously I have the 2 in my sig, and a 5.5 I am about to cycle and have another around 3 to 4 gallons I am going to get going also. But all of my tanks are allowed in my one room. ;)
got 4 in the dining room

1 X 180 L
1 X 50 L
1 X 30 L
1 X 15 L

one up in the spare bedroom 1 X 60 L

and one in the living room 1 X 120 L

got 2 more 2footers on the way for either side of our king sized bed in the master bedroom
You dont have to win the lottery to have a large tank. I've not got the link to hand right now (can provide later) but I found a tank makers in cheshire that did 100 uk gal tanks for around £70. They did a simple cabinet for around £70 and hoods all at reasonable prices. Although hoods are so easy to make I'd probably make my own.

I intend to purchase a new tank once I've managed to assasinate this god awful sideboard the wife has in the front room of the house. Once thats out the way, hello 4ft tank! :D

BTW, does anyone know how to kill a rickerty old sideboard and make it look like an accident? :ninja:
Inchworm said:
I have 10 tanks, but they're all in my living room. :thumbs:

Hi Malt_Vinegar :)

Nice looking tanks. Your room must be a cozy and comfortable place, indeed! :nod:
Inchworm!! You must have a BIG livingroom!
Hi Malt_Vinegar and Pugwinkle :)

:lol: I wish I did have a big living room; mine is just crowded. :lol:

I have a 55 gallon, 4 - 20 gallons, 1 - 20 gallon long, 4 - 10 gallon tanks and a 1 gallon jar in there. :X

There's not much furniture left, though, and if I ever found another good deal on a used 55 gallon or larger, the couch would be out the door in a heartbeat! :huh: Most of the time, when I get company, they sit at the table and drink coffee anyway, so do I really need a couch? :dunno:

Well, it looks like it's going to get even more crowded tonight or tomorrow. If you haven't seen this thread about my corys, check it out:

:*) :rolleyes: ;)

I love all my little fishys :wub:
Hey inchworm how do you fit 10 tanks in your living room? It must be HUGE!

I have my 55 gallon and my 30 and my 2.5 in my living room, and my 10 gallon is in our bedroom. and my other one is at work right here next me to amuse me and help me get through those tough boring days! :D
:fish: Three, all in the living room,100gal,40 gal,15 gal, :D would have more but the kids don't like sitting on the floor anymore and the made me buy a sofa :unsure:
just the one in my room, as soon as I get rid of my wardrobe I'm DEFINATELY gonna try & set up the tank I found the other day.

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