I cannot give a true account at the site for my exact species, but here is a list using using similar fish types...
4 x 4cm Weather Loach (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)
11 x 3.5cm Pearl Danio (Danio albolineatus)
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is
Recommended water change schedule:
29% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 81%.
x 5cm African Butterfly Fish (Pantodon buchholzi)
3 x 5cm Golden Wonder Killifish (Aplocheilus Lineatus)
12 x 4.5cm Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma)
5 x 2cm African Leaf Fish (Ctenopoma acutirostre)
6 x 7cm Indian Glassfish (Parambassis ranga)
4 x 5cm Lionhead Cichlid (Steatocranus sasuarius)
3 x 7cm Panda Garra (Garra flavatra)
2 x 6cm Oto (Otocinclus vittatus)
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is
Recommended water change schedule:
32% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 81%.
6 x 6.5cm Denisoni Barb (Puntius denisonii)
3 x 6.5cm Giant Danio (Perilampus aequipinnatus)4 x 7cm Giant Danio (Perilampus aequipinnatus)2 x 10cm Giant Danio (Perilampus aequipinnatus)
Your aquarium filtration capacity for above selected species is
Recommended water change schedule:
4% per week.
Your aquarium stocking level is 34%.
I'm personally so relieved to finally get Nelly's old tank running, as recently I was very concerned about how crowded the Rio240 had become, as I had bought some fish ahead of getting this big tank ready, which was creating a lot of stress and aggression (I got very worried for the Pearls who were moved out temporarily; Yellowtails and Humpheads)... In hindsight, a huge mistake on my behalf. I really should have had the big tank ready before buying those seven Barilius and six Denisons youngsters.
But after setting up the 540l (no gravel/sand, but bogwood and some hardy Java Fern plus Anubias barteri nana) over the last two days with a Blagdon 20m electric kit including RCD to give power from a spare kitchen electric socket, it is great to see the Asian energetic and boisterous fish starting to settle in their new home and all schooling together!
With a bit of luck, I will be able to up both Barilius groups upto at least six in the near future and after winning the lottery, find four or more female Opsarius pulchellus available anywhere in the UK!