How many ottos?

Imo, having algae-eating fish or invertebrates for algae removal is considered a band-aid. Yes, while they will eat algae, they will also increase the bioload. The best way to tackle algae is to find balance. Figure out why you're having algae in the first place and go it from there. Algae usually appear because of too much lighting. Try lowering the lighting cycle to five hours a day and then gradually increase it once you see an improvement.
If you just want to get them to get them. Not to take care of your algae I'd say that 12-15 would be a good number to start. Then you can get more form there depending on how you stock/if you want.
Well, Crispii is right if eliminating algae is your only goal. However, I enjoy setting up environments in which the animals can play their natural role. So, if I have a tank that naturally has some algae (and mine, being low-tech planted tanks, always do), I like to have some algae eaters in there doing what they do best. Ottos are little guys, so yeah, 10-15 would be pretty easy in a 150l tank. Also look into panda garra (the most underrated algae eater in the hobby, in my opinion) and amano shrimp.

Be aware that ottos often come home from the pet store in extremely poor condition due to starvation. They are so small that they have to eat frequently to survive, and I've received several that were too far gone for me to pull back. If you mail-order, try to get tank-raised ones if available, as wild-caught ones tend to be in the worst shape. If you get them from a store, try to find ones that look well-fed and maybe have some algae in their tank. Still expect to lose a few. The good news is that once they get through the first couple weeks, these little guys are pretty much indestructible, provided they have clean water, hiding spots, and plenty of algae to much on.

Good luck!
I don't know why they aren't more well known. They are peaceful, adaptable, friendly and fun to watch (sometimes they'll even nibble on my hands when I'm working in the tank!), and great algae eaters, too. Just make sure you have a good lid on your tank--they like to travel.

I want one even more now :unsure:
There were several in the display tank at LFS. Personality +
There was one that I saw and it was love at first sight. He (?) looked at me and I at him. Such expressionate little faces.
I don't know why they aren't more well known. They are peaceful, adaptable, friendly and fun to watch (sometimes they'll even nibble on my hands when I'm working in the tank!), and great algae eaters, too. Just make sure you have a good lid on your tank--they like to travel.

Those are BRILLIANT!
I want one even more now :unsure:
There were several in the display tank at LFS. Personality +
There was one that I saw and it was love at first sight. He (?) looked at me and I at him. Such expressionate little faces.
You clearly need a bigger tank. Don't we all.

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