How Many Neon Tetras?


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2007
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how many neon tetras would be good for my tank? mesurements are 4ft long, 2ft high, 2ft wide. its well planted, well cycled (had the tank for months now). i have 60 so far but the tank looks empty.

any ideas guys?
the guy at the lfs said i cud get 200 in there easily. im not so sure. but thanks for all the advice.
I would tend to agree you could most likely go for 200 in a tank that size if you have no other fish and good filtration. Can you post some pics? I'm i big fan of having large shoals of tetras and I bet it looks quite stunning :)

Edit: I wouldnt go out an buy 140 all in one go though. Add them maybe 20 at a time over the course of a few months.
i will post some pics tonight, there is too many reflections on the tank just now. i might put 200 in the tank over the next few months!
I think 200 might be a little too many, I'd say about 150, if it still looks empty, maybe add a few more at a time.
any pics yet? ;D

also, your tank seems to be about 120 gallons not including decorations. If you want 200 tetras in there, i think you can pull it off if you have it heavily filtered and also have a lot of plants to help you with the nitrates xD
200 neons all at once? wouldn't that upset the balance and promote annoying algae growth? btw, cardinals are better schoolers than neons, neons have looser schools
The practical fishkeeping calculator suggests 1 inch per gallon when starting and 2 inch per gallon after 6 months. That would give your 120 gal tank a ultimate capacity of 240 neon tetras. I always approximate them to be 1" I know they can get as big as 2" but for such a small fish it's close enough.
That's meant to be a rough guideline.
Many other factors come in to play, like if the tank's planted, the maintenance schedule, and the filtration.

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