Tiger barbs are my favorite schooling fish out there, to be honest. They're feisty, they have lovely colors, they're greedy eaters, high in activity and curiosity, and to top it off they have the nice full body appearance, I just find it all adorable
My tank is 37 US Gallons (30 length, 12 width, 24 height) 75 gallon cycled filter, soon to be heavy with live plants and real driftwood and caves, but right now just heavy with plastic plants and plastic driftwood and plastic caves
Current stock:
1 firemouth
5 upside down catfish
6 tiger barbs (4 golden 2 regular, though that probably doesn't matter)
I'm not so worried about the firemouth being picked on, he's got plenty of fight in him to make them steer clear
However, the upside down catfish are more nocturnal and docile, and unlike most catfish, they don't really hide on the floor of the aquarium, but more underneath leaves or the little caverns of plastic driftwood, all which are routinely explored by the tiger barbs during the day. I'm worried that this could become a problem.
At this very moment, there has been no nipping incidents in regards to barb-on-catfish aggression, but the barbs are merely an inch and a half to two inches long as this moment. and I know aggression will only pick up as they grow.
I also know that they tend to be a tad, very slightly, less nippy to other tank mates in bigger numbers.
I've never kept adult upside down catfish before, so I don't know if they'll care about the tigers once they're older, or if they'll be even more hidey than they already are because of their nippiness.
Anyways. Should I get more tiger barbs? If so how many?
Or should I just get rid of them and get some different schooling fish? What would you suggest for the setup?
Thanks much
My tank is 37 US Gallons (30 length, 12 width, 24 height) 75 gallon cycled filter, soon to be heavy with live plants and real driftwood and caves, but right now just heavy with plastic plants and plastic driftwood and plastic caves
Current stock:
1 firemouth
5 upside down catfish
6 tiger barbs (4 golden 2 regular, though that probably doesn't matter)
I'm not so worried about the firemouth being picked on, he's got plenty of fight in him to make them steer clear
However, the upside down catfish are more nocturnal and docile, and unlike most catfish, they don't really hide on the floor of the aquarium, but more underneath leaves or the little caverns of plastic driftwood, all which are routinely explored by the tiger barbs during the day. I'm worried that this could become a problem.
At this very moment, there has been no nipping incidents in regards to barb-on-catfish aggression, but the barbs are merely an inch and a half to two inches long as this moment. and I know aggression will only pick up as they grow.
I also know that they tend to be a tad, very slightly, less nippy to other tank mates in bigger numbers.
I've never kept adult upside down catfish before, so I don't know if they'll care about the tigers once they're older, or if they'll be even more hidey than they already are because of their nippiness.
Anyways. Should I get more tiger barbs? If so how many?
Or should I just get rid of them and get some different schooling fish? What would you suggest for the setup?
Thanks much