How Many Gallons Does This Tank Hold


May 3, 2007
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Columbia, MO
Hey all,
Proud to say my gf decided to buy her first fish today and of course it was a betta. I talked her out of 1 of those little 1 gallon bowls and bought her one of those critter keeper things for reptiles and such. Yes it is heated and filtered with a sponge filter before I get asked. My question is as to how many gallons or litres her tank holds as it didnt say on the packaging. The dimensions are as follows-11.5 inches L, 7 inches H, 7 inches W. Thanks for your help as i couldnt find a good conversion site.

If you bare with me I use a good one, however its on my favs at work! when I get there I will ad it.
Thanks for your help as i couldnt find a good conversion site.

Google is your best place
just type
convert 11.5 inches x 7 inches x 7 inches to litres
and it will give you the answer
change litres for gallons (US) or imperial gallons (UK)
to get those answers
Amerce-Thanks for the suggestions
Tropical girl- cool site, thanks a lot for getting back to me on that.
Wolf-Duh :blush: I guess i should have thought of that but it never even crossed my mine. Well I am gonna post some pics of the Betta at my gf request. Should be up tonight. Thanks again all.


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