Fish Crazy
my run down.
75 gallon tank. mudd filter with lots of various macro alages. 2 175 watt halides. hang on refigium as well. 135 pounds of live rock give or take
4 fire fish gobies
1 mandarin
1 bi-color angel
1 diamond watchman goby
1 court jester goby
1 scooter blenny
i want some anthias. think i can? if so how many?
75 gallon tank. mudd filter with lots of various macro alages. 2 175 watt halides. hang on refigium as well. 135 pounds of live rock give or take
4 fire fish gobies
1 mandarin
1 bi-color angel
1 diamond watchman goby
1 court jester goby
1 scooter blenny
i want some anthias. think i can? if so how many?