How Many Fish


Fish Aficionado
Oct 4, 2007
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I have got a 34litre tank and was unsure of the amount of fish I could keep that would be suitable for this size. I understand it depends on the size of fish but can anyone give me a rough guide of what I could put in the tank and what fish could be kept alone or in small numbers? just so I can get an idea of many fish I could keep for this tank to be fully stocked?
hi id say 2corrydaras 3 neons
2 female platties and a male
and a couple of guppies
Corys need to be in groups of 4 or more, and so do neons. I would say 2 female platies, 1 male platy and 4 cories. Maybe some shrimp to keep algae in check.
ok thanks wats anybodys opinion on sparkling/pygmy gouramis how many and what else could i keep them with??
lol, I was just about to reply and say sparkling gouramis. I just got some in my 30L and they are lovely.
You could have maybe 4-5 sparkling gouarmis and about the same number of pygmy cories.
would this be ok 3 sparkling gouramis, 2 platys and 2 corys( i already have 2 small corys in 1 wild cory and 1 albino cory)this would be all just these 2 corys and the other things i said.
I have exactly the same tank and I currently have 3 platys in there, and I'm wondering what to add next.

The gouramis seem like a good idea, might look into those next.
this would be all just these 2 corys and the other things i said
As I said, corys need to be in groups. Maybe 3 gouramis, 4-5 corys, and shrimp. You can go with the sparking gouramis, but banded gouramis (or you can call them indian gouramis) are a lot hardier (as I am told). If you want the banded gouramis, maybe 1 gourami, 2 platies and 4 cories, plus 5 shrimp. Amano shrimp are nice shrimp.
too small for banded gouramis. One of the advantages of sparkling gouramis is that they stay small.

And cories should be kept in groups of their own types.
how many sparkling gouramis have to be kept together? and i phoned 2 lfs and pets at home to see if anywhere sold sparkling/pygmy gouramis and no where seems to have them. are lfs able to order them in and if so would i just have to settle with any colour?? thanks
how many sparkling gouramis have to be kept together? and i phoned 2 lfs and pets at home to see if anywhere sold sparkling/pygmy gouramis and no where seems to have them. are lfs able to order them in and if so would i just have to settle with any colour?? thanks

Sparkling gouramis need to be kept in groups of 1 male to two females, and given plenty of spaces to hide. LFS's should be able to order them, but as they can be a sencitive fish that can be hard to sell, I see them being reluctant to do so. They will be able to order them in numbers of arround 25 and up, leaving them with 22 to sell, after you collect yours, and these must be sold to the public. You may be able to specify colour, if they come in more than one variant, if you are prepaired to pay a little extra, and we link back into the often hard-to-sell tendencys of the species. There saleability may vary, from area-to-area, so depending on your loccation, depends on how willing your LFS is to order them.

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