How many fish have you lost?

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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How many fis have you lost since starting this hobby?

  • none

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  • 1 or 2

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  • 3-5

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  • 6-10

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  • 11-15

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • 16+

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  • too many to count

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Oh yeah you were the one that said youre talking about my baby gourami in my post in the emergency section. Well the one I talked about there sadly passed on :byebye:.
The funny :lol: thing is ive lost around 10 fish in 4 years of keeping tropical fish and in 11 years of keeping coldwater fish i ve never lost on (touch wood) :fun:
I don't know how to vote, I've been keeping fish for 21 years now, so most of the ones I've lost have been to old age. I was fortunate enough to learn about the whole cycling process before I got my first tank, I was eight years old back then, and my parents signed out some books from the local library for me to read. Funny enough, I still have that 25 gallon, although I wouldn't dare fill it with water anymore!
Too many to count, we made the same newbie errors as everyone else and lost a lot of fish by not knowing about cycling and adding too many fish to quickly. Since we have lost a lot more fish in mini disasters, once to a outbreak of velvet bought on by using a aleacide to try and control hair algea, once to a mystery fungal disease which swept thorugh a community tank like the plague and more recently to a powerhead failing (which controled the main filter on the tank) while we were away on holiday at the hottest time of the year :sad:
I've kept fish for many years and I've lost count of which fish have come and gone. But I don't take it as a failure on my part like did years ago. Some things, try as you might, you cannot always control.
I've had a 10 gal running for 12 years, most of those deaths were age related. Had one zebra danio swim up into the power filter years ago. Ouch! Had a platy dissapear this summer. I think the plecs took care of the remains.

sence ive started about 2 or 3 years ago ive lost a cinnamon dwarf gourami a male betta(old age) a female betta( crushed by going behind the holder on my powerhead) and a black skirt tetra
I've lost two fish, my Panda Cory Cordelia and my Platy peggy. They both died of internal parasites. Whe I first started out, my great LFS sold me a big long book about keeping fish, and I knew about mostly everything when I went into the hobby. Its a good thing they did, because I had seen my friends tank and I was thinking of adding 8 convicts to my brand new 29 gallon. that wouldn't have been pretty :crazy:
at first all my losses were zebra danios, wich i first put in the tank, iv lost two sets of these (12 in total) but recently iv lost 4 balloon mollys wich im gutted about :( im not left with one molly and one zebra danio out of them.... the one platie in my sig was brought at the same time as my swortails and is doing fine by itself.... likewise my one remaining danio is doin fine..... hope my molly does the same

it is hard when u lose fish :( feel darn guilty

Dawn xx
i havnt experienced the loss of my fish yet
im new to fish keeping, (4 months)

i have 2 goldfish about 2 yrs ago and i found it a hassle, so i put them into a pond, but now im more experienced and older so im enjoying fish keeping, sorry to those who have lost fish :( suc a loss -_-
Seriously, how do you lose a fish its not as if you let them off the leash or anything :lol:
Most of my losses have been through me underestimating what size fish my bichirs can eat, 2 rope fish from escaping, and some through natural cause's

Seriously, how do you lose a fish its not as if you let them off the leash or anything

William I expected better from Admin this is a serious subject :p :lol:

David :fish:
david27 said:
William I expected better from Admin this is a serious subject :p :lol:
Its the weekend and I have to have a laugh sometime! :)

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