How Many Fish Do U Own?

i have 1 tank, 20 gallon and have 9 fish i think

5 rummy nose, 1 Ram, 2 Corydoras and 1 really baby cockatoo cichlid being rehomed soon

looking to get another ram and another corydora :wub:
I have 24 fish and counting I have 3 tanks. I'm slowly stocking my 55 gal. My fav would be my breeding pair of acara and my bn pleco. But I love them all. Like carl my keyhole he's awesome too. My hermet my clown pleco she is my first ever pleco. Don't see her much but I still love her. My medusa pleco is really lame she only comes out at night I never ever see her.
1 red spotted sev
1 green sev
1 blue acara
2 jade eye cichlids
1 female krib
2 geophagus surinamensis
1 L081 golden nugget
1 ruby shark
18 mixed corydoras peppered schwarzi and melini
10 tiger barbs

so i make that 38 fish
300+ fish an 5 tanks and a pond and 8 turtles in tanks and pond my fave fish is my gold (which is pink lol) giant gourami soooo much character and then its my 18" marbled clarias catfish ive not had a count up so there might be allot more lol
9 tanks and around 80 fish. Fave fish ..... difficult but Oscar and Frontosa are up the top.
i have 3 tanks

tank 1 = cold water = 4 gold fish and 2 ghost coy

tank 2 = 1 pec, 2 mollies, 2 tiger barbs, 2 male guppy, 4 peppered cory

tank 3 = 4 peppered cory, 1 plec, 12 neon tetras, 5 silver sharks, 2 silver dollars, 8 mollies, 4 sailfins

i like fish
gosh, all your fish sound amazing...

im affraid mine isnt as spectacular, i just have a 10 gallon tank with 5 neon tetras, 1 otto, and 3 honey gouramis so 1 tank, 9 fish

my favourite out of honey gouramis :) i love them tooo bits :drool:
9 tanks, 6 are empty just now,ranging from 30L to 450L.

tank 1 22 fish
tank 2 25 fish
tank 3 7 fish 6 shrimp
tank 1 - 125l with 7 angels
tank 2 - 12g with community fish (tetras, danios, guppies, platties, mollies)
tank 3 - 12g with guppy and molly fry
tank 4 - 300l with guppies, pleccs, ADFs, swordtails, mollies
tank 5 - 125l with cichlids (venustus, orange zebras, metriaclima hyalomajndia)

total fish somewhere between 1 and 5 hundred (hard to count fry!)
my favourite fish is my venustus.

Thats all for now, but I feel a marine tank is coming soon!

I was just thinking of this last week, trying to count off how many fish I have.

5 Plecos, 5 Tetras, 2 Kuhlis, 1 Clown Loach, 7 Yoyo Loaches, 9 Bettas (male and female), and 2 ADFs. That comes to... *counts fingers* 29 fish, or 31 if you include the frogs.

Huh. All that in tanks that combine into 90gals. That's actually pretty interesting.
I'm waiting for tolak to trump you guys with his stats. I'm sure they are in the thousands.

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