How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

2 new platys and a tiger plec to add since my last post.

running total 11144

Well I have:
1 tiger oscar
1 leporinus
1 tinfoil barb
5 guppies
6 neon tetra
1 marble lyre tail
1 silver lyre tail

Not all in the same tank, folks! I promise!

Running Total: 11160
In my friends and my fish house is:
1 BIG goldfish
1 BIG tiger oscar
32 male bettas
16 female bettas
10 mexican godeia
3 mollies (just bought a few hours ago for cycling new marine tank)
2 plecs

which brings my total to 65

and the running total at: 11225
My fish are 1 red oscar, 1 white tiger oscar, 2 plecs, 1 featherfin cat, 1 rts, 1 angelfish, 4 red eye tetras, 3 glowlight tetras, 2 neon tetras, 1 bronze cory, at least 20 BNs! So approx 40

Running Total 11265
got 12 more fish since i posted

brings to total upto 11,277
my list:
4 x tiger barb
3x Green tiger barb
2X cinermon Garami
2x broze cory cat
1x plec
1x reed fish
1x Fm sail molly
1x rosey barb
2x colour botai
5x harliquin
4 black neons

which is 26
so total of 11,303

how many more can we get?
4 year old sons tank

2 black mollies
2 swords
2 platties
3 guppies
1 bolivian ram
1 albino cory

my nano
5 amano shrimps
4 neon tetras

so total of 11,323
ok i wont count my snails or my shrimp
so ive got 5 fish

that makes it 11,328
1 Red Tail Shark
2 Swordtails
4 Neon Tetras
5 Silvertip Tetras

Total 12

Running Total: 11359
2 pictus
1 lepornis
10 tiger barbs
4 sailfin mollies

running total 11359+17 = 11376
2 B&W Clowns
1 Six line Wrasse
1 Firefish

4 Fire Eels
1 Australian Arrowana
1 Common Plec
1 Gibbiceps Plec
1 Xingu Pike Cichlid
2 Angels
10 Corydoras
2 Kibensis


11376+26 = 11402
5 black neon tetra
5 rummy nose tetra
10 lemon tetra
5 black phantom tetra
10 green neon tetra
5 diamond head tetra
5 cardinal tetra
3 dwarf neon rainbowfish
2 boesemani rainbowfish
5 gold hi fin danios
1 female betta
3 dwarf puffers
2 figure8 puffers
5 bumblebee gobies
4 hengels rasboras
5 corys
2 otocinclus

87 fish = running total of 11489

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