How Many Females For A 40 Gallon?


Fish Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
i have a 40 gallon sorority and was wondering how many females? currently i have 9 and want to get WAY more.

the tank has many plants, most are small right now but growing, it also has crevices on both sides that the current girls like to hide in.

thax! :good:

40 gallon I'd go with about 15 plus a gaggle of really nice cories or Khulie loaches on the bottom.
They should be fine as they are a nice small species of Plec. I'd get an external filter to run that tank though, as plecs of most sort are quite messy, add on top the waste of around 15 bettas ..I doubt a internal would manage really.
They should be fine as they are a nice small species of Plec. I'd get an external filter to run that tank though, as plecs of most sort are quite messy, add on top the waste of around 15 bettas ..I doubt a internal would manage really.



may just keep the filter and add on another smaller one, the current one makes the water fall.
Since you already have a sorority established, wouldn't it be a bit risky to add a bunch of other betas? That's my opinion, though.
Not if you're careful. Using a clear plastic breeding trap or a betta barracks with the partitions removed is a good way to introduce a new female to a tank. I did it with Sakura when I added her to my group of (then) 3 girls.

They can see her in the trap, she can see them, they can get used to the sight of eachother for a few days and when you let her out, chasing and the sorting of a pecking order should be much less fraught with fights and squabbling as they've had time to adjust to the new fish.

Adding more girls will be fine :good: Probably best if you can add around 6 minimum at a time. When you get the new ones, remove the girls already in there (bag them up and keep them warm). Do some regular maintenance, move the decor around and even add some new plants. Then float all the girls, new and old in their bags and then acclimatise as normal. Release the new girls first :good: Then release your original ones. If there was a particularly dominant female, release her last. Keep the lights off for the day and let them settle.
Cleo was fine when i introduced 3 new girls, i just floated them for around, let them do there flareing (which only lasted about 5 min) then when released not one flare at all

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