I'm thinking of doing away with my 70 litre cold water setup and going tropical instead, namely a species tank for dwarf puffers.
Well they've had so much good press on here of late how can I resist it
Are they really as interesting as people say? Also in a planted 70 litre tank could I house say 4? I've read they are territorial and messy.
I've got a couple of goldfish in the tank at this time who would be re-homed with my father. Considering I started years ago with cold water fish I want to make sure the puffers will not disapoint me
Also, would the puffers be happier with a sand based substrait with just say a 25% gravel contenet mixed in as opposed to all gravel substrait.
Thanks in advance.
Well they've had so much good press on here of late how can I resist it
Are they really as interesting as people say? Also in a planted 70 litre tank could I house say 4? I've read they are territorial and messy.
I've got a couple of goldfish in the tank at this time who would be re-homed with my father. Considering I started years ago with cold water fish I want to make sure the puffers will not disapoint me
Also, would the puffers be happier with a sand based substrait with just say a 25% gravel contenet mixed in as opposed to all gravel substrait.
Thanks in advance.