How many bettas do you have?


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
DeRidder, LA
Hey guys. People keep telling me that I have WAY too many fish, and I know that a lot of you have a bunch of bettas, as well. I don't think I have too many. So long as I can take care of them and love them properly, I don't think I'll ever have too many. I was just wondering how many you have. Post and let me know. Here's what I've got.

10 gallon divided:
blue/red crown - Scooter
red crown (my first betta) - Flare
red/purple crown - Wedgie

10 Gallon divided:
red/green veil - Booger
white veil - Casper
blue mustard HM plakat - Phen

2.5 gallon:
dark blue veil - Oliver

2.5 gallon:
red/white/green veil - Rudolph

2.5 gallon:
blue mustard (really orange looking) HM plakat - Thai

2.5 gallon:
beautiful wild type - Baht

1 gallon:
HM male that I haven't met yet because he came in while I'm out of town

1 gallon:
another HM male that I haven't met yet because he came in while I'm out of town

10 gallon sorority tank:
red cambodian veil - Star
blue mustard plakat - Fancy
copper gold crown (haven't met yet)
green crown (haven't met yet)

1 gallon:
black copper crown female (haven't met yet)

1 gallon:
green HM female (haven't met yet)

SO...that's 18. Seems like a lot when I type them out. I can't wait to get home to meet my new guys and girls! :D
lets see...

red double tail - GUS
red single tail - JAQUES

turquoise and black veiltail - SAMMY
cellophane double tail - JACK

red ( called spade tail?, short tail comes to a point, shes 3 inches too huge) - PRINCESS
her sister(whos 3.75 inches) - HELGA

small cambodian (red fins)double tail female - ROSE
turquoise female - HYACINTH
royal blue female - VIOLET
red marble female - DAISY

turquoise half moon male - PIPPIN

and my favorite: cellophane male with a sky blue irridescance, he has a sort of crown moon tail i think thats what you guys were describing it as when i posted pics of him (tail looks like its scalloped) and he has one white eye and the other eye is dark, very cool fishy!!
his name is TITUS

and my stepdaughter emily just got her first fish a white veil tail named HAN SOLO
(she named it!!!)

so thats 13 fishies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dum dee dum, lets take roll...

10 gallon divided -
turquoise delta female - Nymph
turquoise delta female - Shiloh

2.5 -
Red/blue veil female- Serena

10 gallon divided -
royal blue plakat male - Titan
royal blue veil female - Mina

20 gallon community -
turquoise veil female - Kinda

in separate various 1 gallon tanks around the house -
blue/red crowntail female - Grace
blue/red crowntail female - Anastasia
red crowntail female - Diana
blue crowntail female - Caroline
turquosie delta male - Jean-Luc
turquoise delta male - Alexander
turquoise delta female - Magdala
turquoise delta female - Emma

And I was notified to expect UPS today with - My Heroes!
Steel crowntail male - Bruce (yes, I named them from the aquabid photos)
Blue/red crowntail male - Clark
Turquoise/Red Marble crowntail - Peter

The grand total is 17!
(I can't wait until I get started breeding and can brag that I have 100s of bettas!) (temporarily, anyway)
I will never have enough bettas, I don't care what anyone says. Well, except my hubby who has already threatened to move onto the back porch. :look:

Six. :wub: Batista, Booker, Hunter, Vince, Edge and my little girlie Lita :wub:
I have 12. Wife won't let me get anymore. :-(

3-1 gallon containers
white female VT with blue eyes
white female VT with blue eyes
orange male VT with permanant reverse swim bladder problem (can't float!)-Richard

2-2.5 gallon tanks
Red Male VT-Hagrid
Cambodian male plakat w/ 1 ADF

Divided 5 gal
Red and blue CT-Raistlin
Blue plakat-Galdar

10 gal female-all VT's
blue and purple finned cambodian-Denna
red finned cambodian
blue and purple
dark blue with blue and purplish-red fins-Cara
7. Parents won't let me have more. That's why I am ordering some ;) I hope to order 4 more girls.
Split 2.5
Ula-copper plakat
Kai-odd colored VT (cream body w/ the scales outlined in black and whitish fins that trail to clear and show up blue under the camera flash)

Holding tank
Alpha- I think he's going to be a VT (fins are chomped up) he's turquoise

Triple Split 5 gal
Twinkie-my melano plakat girl (she's getting darker everyday!)
eXXon-my marble patriot CT girl who is getting more marble-er-y everyday

Minibow 1 gal
Jimmy-purple mustard gas VT

Split 2.5
Little Girl-marble patriot girl VT girl
Omega-turquoise (I don't know what tail type she is, looks like HM/VT mix--but it's long and pretty! :p )

So, 8 all total. And I think I'm going to take Pixie (my friend's rescue) off her hands (he only eats when I'm around, isn't that odd behavior? And since I can;t be at her house all the time...... :D he is SO mine!)
Divided 18 gallon (its actually more close to 19 gallons, but I rounded it off)
Ruby (Red VT male, my oldest betta at about 3-4 years!)
Flare (orange spot VT male)
Pebbles (red/gren VT male, kinda my brothers fish)
Drake (purple/blue VT male)
Bruno (dark blue VT, he has only half an anal fin, don't know how that happened, he had it when I bought him)

and my female who had to be pulled from the 10 gallon is in a temporary 1 gallon kritter keeper. She is a grey/mud brown color, but when the light hits her fins at a certain angle her fins shine a metilic blue, its really cool! I bought her because she had been at the lfs for weeks, and nobody was buying. It also turns out that she is crowntail! Oh and of course, how could I forget, the female in my 10 gallon. She's a normal blue color, she's also my oldest female.

I am so glad I got the 2nd hand 18 gallon and divided it, the bettas are so happy! They would all mope around their 1 gallon-ish homes before, never really active at all. My mom always said "How can you like them, they're so boring". But now since they have almost 4 gallons of water to themselves, they are extremely active, and display their colors better. My mom even noticed a difference and commented on how active these fish really were, and she tells me over and over again that she thinks its so cool what I did with the tank and that the fish look so happy. LoL. My room looks a lot neater too, without all those small tanks laying around. Water changes are MUCH MUCH MUCH easier now, too. Before I would have to haul each tank to the kitchen to clean them, now I just siphon the one tank in my bedroom.

I'll be getting JUST ONE MORE betta soon, too :D My 3 gallon currently has 3 guppy fry that I raised that will soon (like in a few more weeks) be ready to go into the 5.5 gallon. I have to pick out the the perfect betta though, as this will be my last one MAYBE. LoL

Oh, and BTW, my CT male, Dragon, did finally pass away about a week ago. R.I.P poor guy :-(
Seven here...

10 gal sorority - Belle, Snow White, Sparkalina and Pokahontas.

2.5 gal- Flappy

1 gal- Purply

1 gal- Yellowy

I guess you can tell I have small children by their names LOL.

I have 16 females and 11 males ATM. I just upgraded my girls to a 30G, so I am probably going to add a couple more.
Hilarious names. Yes, it is obvious you either have children or you are weird. Yellowy, I love it! That is why I don't let my daughters name my fish. Otherwise I would have SnowWhite, Cinderella, Belle, Jasmine, etc too.

I have a fish named Hagrid too! But he isn't a betta. He is an oscar. My daughter and I had a while Harry Potter theme going with our fish. We had Dumbledore (blue betta), Weasley (goldfish), Godrick and Rowena (silver mollies), Salazar and Helga (red swordies), Sirius (black molly), Hagrid (oscar), and The First Years (school of neon tetras, because they hang out in a group and tend to look confused).

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