How long will a betta suffer from temperature shock?

So I just got home and here's how it went down....
My little guy greeted me at the front of the tank and was eager to eat. I fed him a tiny bit of dried blood worms and a small flake of green veggie. He ate well, then I tested his water. Ammonia level was zero, nitrites were in the ''caution" zone, but everything else was normal. I live in a small town and only have access to test strips that they sell at Wal-Mart.
Anyway....a few minutes later he turned pale, started breathing hard and went to the bottom of his tank as he has done for the last few days (see the pic previously posted). What the hell is going on with him? This is extremely frustrating!
Ps: it is a 2.5 gallon tank with a 20 gph filter.
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You are going to hate me.

I fed him a tiny bit of dried blood worms and a small flake of green veggie

Dried blood worm needs to be soaked for at least 20 minutes in a spoon of tank water before being fed to the fish, if the fish eats it while its dry the blood worm will swell in its stomach and that could cause problems.

Betta fish are carnivorous and need protein rich meaty food specifically for Bettas I prefer Betta pellets as its easier to feed.

Good quality pellets.

Ocean Nutrition Atison's Betta Food
New Life Spectrum Betta Formula
Omega One Betta Buffet
Hikari Betta Bio-Gold

Ps: it is a 2.5 gallon tank with a 20 gph filter.
Thats way to strong for him,
You are going to hate me.

Dried blood worm needs to be soaked for at least 20 minutes in a spoon of tank water before being fed to the fish, if the fish eats it while its dry the blood worm will swell in its stomach and that could cause problems.

Betta fish are carnivorous and need protein rich meaty food specifically for Bettas I prefer Betta pellets as its easier to feed.

Good quality pellets.

Ocean Nutrition Atison's Betta Food
New Life Spectrum Betta Formula
Omega One Betta Buffet
Hikari Betta Bio-Gold

Thats way to strong for him,

Well all I have to say about that is these manufacturers should be hung by their toes for selling something marketed FOR Bettas if it's all killing them. I mean....nothing i have done is right. So what do I do now?
Its not your fault.

What I would do is use the Betta water as you only have a small tank, Do a 50% water change using Betta water then tomorrow do another 50% to get rid of the distilled water.

Next I would go out and get a few live plants Anubias is great and I would get some floating plants Water sprite or hornwort is great.

Then I would baffle the filter outlet to cut the current down

I would also get a bigger tank.

New sponge filter

You will need a small air pump

Will all this save your Betta? In all honesty I do not know but it wont hurt.

This is one of my 5 gallon Betta cubes, The plants cost me less than $20
Its not your fault.

What I would do is use the Betta water as you only have a small tank, Do a 50% water change using Betta water then tomorrow do another 50% to get rid of the distilled water.

Next I would go out and get a few live plants Anubias is great and I would get some floating plants Water sprite or hornwort is great.

Then I would baffle the filter outlet to cut the current down

I would also get a bigger tank.

New sponge filter

You will need a small air pump

Will all this save your Betta? In all honesty I do not know but it wont hurt.

This is one of my 5 gallon Betta cubes, The plants cost me less than $20
How do I do all (or any) of that without stressing him to death? Right now everything is stressing him
How do I do all (or any) of that without stressing him to death? Right now everything is stressing him
Judging from the photos he is in pretty bad shape. Nick's advise is good and his best chance. Do the water change asap and baffle the filter. You could even just put a piece of sponge in front of the outlet as a quick fix.
Judging from the photos he is in pretty bad shape. Nick's advise is good and his best chance. Do the water change asap and baffle the filter. You could even just put a piece of sponge in front of the outlet as a quick fix.

Thanks for all the advice. He's feeling pretty good today, he ate (only fed him one pellet) and some of his color has come back. I will get some Betta water and change out today and tomorrow.... provided he tolerates the upset. I was able to look at him real good earlier with a flashlight and there are no signs of external illness. I will let you all know how it goes.
Look who's feeling better!! It took a while of basically leaving him alone, but he slowly got better. Everything was stressing him so I literally stopped feeding him, looking at him and turning his light on. I let him rest, and the stronger he got, the more social he became again. His color has returned and today is the first day in over 3 weeks that he did his "happy dance" for food. I'm still not sure what was going on, but as long as he's better I'm happy. Thanks for all your help and input....I definitely learned a few things that will be helpful in the future.


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