How long till platy fry

Kayla Silver

New Member
Jun 16, 2004
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I was wondering how old will my platy fry be when they are full grown, get their color and when I can tell if they are male or female for sure. I have lots of different aged platy fry the oldest are 3 platy fry that are 2 months old now. They Are a shiny yellow with mickey tails which is exactly like their mom but I can't tell if their are males, maybe their all females but I was wondering. Also these 3 that are 2 months, their dad is orange mickey tail so I thought it is wierd they all look like their mom. Their is also 24 fry from same mom and father that are about 2 weeks and they are not orange and look like the shiny yellow mom as well. None are orange...... will they ever turn orange as they get older or no? Sorry I am probably confusing....... :p
I've had both Platy's and Swordtails trick me.....took them over 6 months to "become" males :rolleyes:

Now, the Guppies, I can tell their sexes before they are 2 months :blink:
Platy babies will all look female...then the males will develop their anal fin. This should happen at roughly the same time for your fry.

I also noticed with my fry that the bossier fry will usually be males and the more sedate ones are females.

The ratio of male : female fry is also dependent on your pH (though I can't remember which way it goes)...

I have had some fry that are born clear then turn bright orange and some that re born bright orange and are paler than the others...

As for depends on the size tank they grow up in. If they grow up in a large tank they will be bigger. The lomger they are in the breeding net the smaller they will be.
My platy fry was over 6 months before I could tell male from female. As far as color, I thought all of mine would be gray... but at about 2 weeks little color starts and as they get older more there color starts...Molly fry is the same way took 6 months to tell male from female. As far as the statement the bossier fish will be male, in my tank that has not happened, it is the fish, not the gender. I have a female that runs my tank. she is head honcho... :*

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