How long have you been in the hobby?

About 27 years, off & on, but I've had my current tank about six months.

My fishes are all listed in my sig. I've not named them all because I can't tell most of them apart!
Almost 2 months now I love it as a family thing. I let my kids name most of the fish, my 6 year old named both the rosey barbs "Speedy" because they swim so fast that this way you can't mix up the names and call one the wrong thing. He is thinking the same about the group of 8 rummy noses we just got. The rest are in my sig.

Hey Dwarfs and Lucky62 where do you buy your fish? I'm on long island also and have yet to find a place I'm happy with.

SewFishy :fish:
i have been keeping fish for 20 years. at the moment i have a 3ft community tank with.......3 black neons, 5 lemon tetras. 3 cardinals, 1 neon, 2 clown loaches, i large algae eater, i sunburst platy,1 glowlight tetra, 1 head & tail light tetra and a green spotted puffer-called Boris.

a 5 ft reef tank...2 clowns, 1 damsel, 2 blue cheeked gobies, cleaner wrasse, horseshoe crab, assorted red legged hermit crabs and turbo snails.

i have a pond in the garden with 12 comets, 2 koi, 1 ghost koi and a mirror carp.

last but not least is Henry, who is a pearlscale oranda. :D

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