How long have you been a member on the forums?

I'm a little new (not to keeping fish but to this forum) I have been here since December 2020 yeah quite recent
Wow i feel kind of old now ?, Originally when i came on this forum there was quite a few people in my local area(s) which was great for swapping or buying stuff & getting rid of those unexpected fry.
I was on a few other forums before here but it got a little out of hand with repetitive threads by the same people & others were just abusive.
As it was a nicer enviroment here, i decided to stay
April 21 2020. Had been measuring up to see where in the house Mrs Lurch would reluctantly tolerate a tank since the previous Xmas hols.
Locked down since March 7th so if not then when? Unfortunately tanks n fish were hard to come by at the time so the poor membership had to put up with my indecision over just about everything stockwise brought on by living with liquid rock. This being just about the friendliest forum around they suffered in silence.

I previously had guppies n goldfish back in the 70s and a badly advised by LFS and out of date library books community tank in the 90s. It’s a lot easier in the internet age believe me, info and equipment ordering/reviews at your fingertips. As for access to fish, tutorial and aquascaping that’s beyond any hobbyist from 70s wildest dreams.

I still know next to nothing but now know where to find it!
I’ve no practical advice to offer so try and contribute by taking some of the load from the brains on here by leaping in on the newbies and pointing them towards SF and their water providers website so the brains don’t have to.

BTW Mrs Lurch now has her own home office tank with 7 Endlers. ?
For me ive always had fish at home, My parents had Goldfish for as long as i remember.
I have to admit the coldwater species dont cut it for me. Interesting to watch but i would not keep them personally.

I will only keep fish i have experience with, I am very reluctant to buy any species i have never kept before. This is why im only keeping easy to care for Freshwater types

Clownlurch I had some endler Guppies that were really interesting, The fry colours were fantastic, i gave away lots on this forum back in the day, Would be interesting to know if any of the strains are around but i guess they would be the Great Great Great Grandfry or something like that by now
Joined 2009 when I started out with a 125l community tank. I was active on here for a couple of years until I shut down the tank and moved house several times. Last year, come lockdown, I obtained a Roma 200 and now my boy is a little older (7 yrs) he's very much interested and involved in the hobby. Multiple tank syndrome quickly developed and a few months later I picked up a roma 240 too! I remembered this forum and luckily remembered my login details. So, technically only a member from early 2020..
I've been a member since late 2006. I didn't post much at first, I spent most of my time reading and learning, but I've been here regularly during the last 14 years. I became a mod 18 months ago.

I started keeping fish in 1996 when my sons arrived back from the fair with goldfish. I relied on out of date books in the library for the first few years. We only got broadband in 2004 in this area, and it took a couple of years for me to finally start using it - I had to borrow time on one of my sons' PCs as mine (an old Acorn left over from their school days!) couldn't connect to the internet.
I joined 11 years ago, went inactive for about 3 or 4 years
Essjay, Thats exactly what i did, Reading & finding out things, But only after having lots of mistakes with my own fish
At that time of me signing up i had a 40 or 50 Gallon & over stocked it stupidly. Due to my lack of knowledge i just added fish every week.......until i started having deaths, Due to the cramped conditions i guess. Then when 1 fish died i stupidly added a school of something else. After that & a lot more deaths, I stepped back & read the forums. Going back to basics i guess.
Then my GF now Wife said "How about starting a family?"
My reply was "We have fish"
She got her own way & now we have 3 ?
Oh 3 kids that is but also 3 tanks now
Yes i remember the big broadband rollout, I was at home with my parents when it rolled out in the early 2000s. I remember being pleased with myself that i could now have mulitple web pages open instead of 1 that took 5 mins to load. I had the top package from Cable & Wireless/ Nynex/NTL Now Virgin Media a whole 128k ? at the time
By the way im still with them now 20 yrs on

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