How Long Does It Take To Clean Ur Tank

125gal tanks= 3hours minimum to clean a single one of them out for me (40% water change, clean out filters, clean substrate, clean glass, check planting is ok etc). So i rarely do them all in a single day as there's 3 of them in total, the longest i ever took was around 5-6 hours (that was a major tank clean though after a holiday) The quickest i ever took to do one of them was an hour (the goldfish tank is actually the easiest and quickest of them to do, always stays quite clean despite goldfish having a big reputation for being messy fish).
5gallon quarentine tank= 5 minutes maximum.
Bout half an hour.

I take my time while watching tv at the same time as doing it, attending to my daughter,waiting for my husband to lift the heavy buckets for me etc..

These days I am in slow mo because of being so heavily pregnant and because of my pregnancy complications. I cant rush and I cant lift heavy things, so everything is sloooooow.
Umm all my tanks together, 4 hours, that includes vacuuming, re-filling, scrubbing algae off, making the decor safer for the fish(because they get moved around to dangerous positions), and then I usually top it off with playing with my BP. The tanks are a 125g a 55g a 29g and 3 10g's. Oh and a 2g Betta bowl.
My partner and I spend a couple of hours at the weekend cleaning all of ours.
my 29G takes about 20 mins 3 buckets out. 3 buckets in. I trim and move at other times so I dont count that . 20 mins for the water change
About an hour every week. I usually clean my 2 tanks(10 and 55) on Tuesday. Today though I cleaned my canister filter for the first time since I got it about 45 days ago. It was an adventure but it'll be alot easier the next time I do it. Me and Impellers just don't get along /sigh.
3 show tanks, 55, 65, & 72, about 1/2 hour each, with a vac & filter clean. I rip through breeding tanks, bare bottom with sponge & box filters. 3 minutes to drain, 3 minutes to fill 29's 50%, changing floss on the fly, 20's are 2 & 2. Having two hoses I can drain one tank while filling another. I usually can do about 4 tanks before I run out of hot water, I mop the floor while the water heats. Turning it into a multi-tasking challenge makes water changes fun.

Hatching tanks are the slow ones, I'll spend 20 minutes on a 10 with fry. Water flow is devastating to fry, I'll spend 10 minutes on the bottom of the tank, a couple of minutes siphoning, and a good 15 minutes filling 5 gallons. I have the 10's set up so I can watch them fill while sitting on the couch watching tv, so it really isn't work. I can do my 29's this way as well, pvc with pre-filters means you don't even have to watch it drain.
30g about 20 minutes.
20g about 10 minutes
2.5g about no mintues because it is too small to do a gravel vacum.
why did you do a 100% ? :eek:

because ever since i went on holiday and left my mum in charge for a week my tanks has had an awful white cloudiness and it got worse as the weeks went by.

couldnt shift it so i tried a full water change.

all my readings are fine and always have been but its still slowly coming back i think.

its doin my head in.

nothing wrong with doing a 100% water change once in a while neway really.
Having just cycled my new 260 litre and performed my first water change yesterday since stocking it, it took me an hour and a half, but that also included dashing to the school to pick up my youngest son after they rang me to say he was ill.
I haven't done a proper full clean yet because my tank is still new, but I'm sure it will take me a good couple of hours when the need arises.

Incindentally, am I alone in finding a good tank clean very theraputic?!
About 2 hours for the 5. The Rio 240 takes a long time because it has fry in it, so I can't use a python or even a big head gravel vac. And it has lots of wavy plants, long vallisneria that floats on the surface, and hygrophila that has to be pushed out of the way.

Highfire, I recognise myself in your situation- oh, the joys of motherhood! But I too find the tank cleans really relaxing.
If I didn't have the danio's intently watching what I am doing and bumping into my arm thinking its food all the time I reckon about 30 mins to do a full gravel vac, rinse the non-live plants/decorations, rinse the filter pads and refill. (I refill by sticking a bucket ontop of the bookshelf and syphoning into the tank as I've not got much room above to pour the water in.)

That's for a 60l tank with about 20l of water being replaced.

(And add ten mins to wonder why the filter is complaining then another ten mins to figure out where I left the impeler.)
How Long Does It Take To Clean Ur Tank

0 minutes 0 hours.....hubby does it :p lol

Ok, ok, about an hour and a half on my 180g to syphon off with a garden hose, gravel vac, put plants back in (parrots - sheesh), then top back up again. But we do about a third at a time. And if the hose wasnt so narrow and kinked, it'd be a lot quicker. 135g doesn't take as long as hubby never gravel vacs that as it's heavily planted, and the snails take care of the rest ;)

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