How Long Do Mollies Take To Drop Fry?


Fish Fanatic
May 28, 2012
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So this morning I came downstairs to 5 molly fry. :hyper: I have 2 silver mollies, one which is normal and the other was/is pregnant. Basically, can a molly take several days to drop fry, as she still looks fat and I reckon she still has some fry in there. She's still hiding in plants, still got her gravid spot and is still eating masses of food. Can I expect more fry tomorrow morning? Or has she finished?
My experience with livebearers ie platys & guppies, they usually drop all their fry within a few hours.
She could be just fat from overeating
Thanks, I didn't come down to any new ones this morning, so I guess she's done. I still have 5 to enjoy :)
How long do they take to grow?


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i have around 9 platy fry in a breeding box thing i think there mickey mouse platys(very temporary) and i was wondering how long they take to get to a size where i can release them in to the community tank again?

i plan on getting a breeding net on payday cuz i also have a couple of pregnant mollies and maybe another platy
The speed of growth is mainly influenced by how often and how much they are fed and by the water quality. A recent lecture I attended was given by a commercial fish breeder. He feeds floating pellets so that the fry can nibble on them until they are gone, which means he doesn't need to worry too much about overfeeding, within reason. He removes all food residue daily and has a monster filtration system that keeps the water in the tubs pristine. The end result is amazing looking fish in just a few months. In a net in a tank, without his fish foods available readily, you will have some juveniles the size you usually see in a fish shop in about 4 to 6 months.

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