How Important Are Hermits & Snails


Fish Addict
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Daventry, UK
Do you think snails & hermits make a difference?

I used to have loads of snails & hermits

now I'm down to a large snail & a cowrie

What are your thoughts?
it depends on how much light and food go into the tank. If you have lots of light and but only a few corals or macro algae, then snails are used to clean up some of the algae from the glass and rocks. Likewise if you add heaps of food and don't remove the uneaten lewftovers, then hermit crabs and shrimp are used to eat the excess food before it rots and causes ammonia problems.
I'm not convinced about how good hermits are at eating food the fish miss

I actually think the bristle worms probably do a fairly good job

I also have some large brittle & serpent stars that clean up the bigger bits

Snails on the other hand I regard as important and miss mine

I think when we start marine tanks we are encouraged to spend a lot of money on hermits that I think may be a waste of money JMO
I've never been a fan of hermit crabs when it comes to them being part of a clean up crew. Snails, however, I wouldn't want to live without.
At our big lrc meeting yesterday I asked what people thought of hermit crabs in reef tanks. They told me that for the most part they'll eventually kill your snails and become a nusiance. They said get nassarius(sp) as that's a detritus cleaner to eat leftovers and they are a big fan of astraea's for algea. Also cerith.
Do you think snails & hermits make a difference?

I used to have loads of snails & hermits

now I'm down to a large snail & a cowrie

What are your thoughts?

A few things grazing snails can impact:
- microalgae (mainly smaller grazers)
- certain macro algaes

A few things hermits can impact:
- tougher to remove filamentous alges (depends strongly on the species of hermit though)
- macro algaes (they'll rip it up but not always eat it, although that can keep it from getting too established in any one spot)
- out of control populations of not-so-good bristleworm species
- uneaten meaty foods

Arguably no tank "needs" hermits or snails. There are other animals that can substitute and perform the same ecological roles, with glass cleaning being about the only thing that it's tough to find a snail-substitute for. Personally I've found combinations of both to be useful, but it requires a fair degree of forethought regarding species choices to have a successful tank where you don't end up with attrition down to only one or two animals. IMO many stores and also websites advise people poorly on stocking and recommend far too many hermits/snails for a given tank size.

I'm not convinced about how good hermits are at eating food the fish miss

Not sure I understand what you're referring to here, but IME unless you're referring to uneaten meaty foods that the fish ignore, other fish waste will be ignored by most hermit species when food becomes scarce in favor of snails and sometimes even other hermits.

They told me that for the most part they'll eventually kill your snails and become a nusiance.

If you choose the species poorly, overstock, and/or underfeed, then certainly. Most people don't seem to have a good idea of the hermit species that are running around their tanks or the expected behavior of the species before they purchase the hermits, so it's not surprising that so many hermit stockings fail eventually.
Apart from what is already said, I belive they are actually a beauty in there own right, and do enjoy watching their antics. Making sure they get enough food is of course necessary to protect your snails.
Count me among those who are anti-hermit. I prefer Trochus snails as they're more likely to right themselves, combined with Cerith and Nassarius snails. I do have one remaining astrea snail, and a couple Margherita snails too. Only one redleg hermit left though which I rarely see...
I would agree with Ski. I love watching the hermits but they can cause problems (as donya says mainly because people stock them without knowing what to expect). I have about 7 hermits left in my tank but I wont ever buy anymore. Snails though I think are very useful and the right combination can take care of most of your tank.

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