How Doe's A Member Become A Mod

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Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Southwest England
Hi all

I was just wondering how a member becomes a mod, Whats the critearia, There are a few members who have posted thousands of times, know just about anything you ask them and are on here for huge amounts of the day, why are they not mods? I know the mods are reasonable for removing unsuitable posts, and they do a good job at it, but what else do they do? and who decides that they will be one?

Pretty new to forums and just interested, thats all.

Hi all

I was just wondering how a member becomes a mod, Whats the critearia, There are a few members who have posted thousands of times, know just about anything you ask them and are on here for huge amounts of the day, why are they not mods? I know the mods are reasonable for removing unsuitable posts, and they do a good job at it, but what else do they do? and who decides that they will be one?

Pretty new to forums and just interested, thats all.


There are a few people that just dont want to be mods, some people you may think know everything, and this is probally true but in some cases the time and effort mods put in, it just isnt what some people want to do
taken from a previous post which is similar:

You become a mod here by being invited.

To be invited, you must have shown the existing management that you are a reliable poster, who recognises the responsibilities of "moderatorship". This frequently is not explicit, but learned by "watching" a person who deals with "difficult" threads in a resonsible and mature manner.

People that "want" to be mods, are rarely suitable.
There are a few members who have posted thousands of times, know just about anything you ask them and are on here for huge amounts of the day, why are they not mods?
Sometimes not all the replies are true personal experiences and the replies are the results of internet lookups. Sometimes you need to be able to seperate the wood from the chaf.
My personal selection was due to being around a lot and offering advice mainly on killifish at that particular time. And writing a few articles and not just answering questions.
Simple people who say they want to be mods usually get put to the bottom of the list lol

I'm a admin on my own site and a moderator on a couple of forums and their usualy two types of moderators diplomats and the dog's bodies.

diplomats are good at stopping arguments, dog's bodies sit on the site removing spam and quick problems.

i'm a dog's body on my sites lol not very diplomatical half the time.
I asked the same question once too. But now, i dotn really care. Sure, if they ask me to be a mod on here, well, i'd accept and be happy, but if not, im not going to worry about why i wasnt asked ect. Usually William will send the person a PM, after asking the other mods about it first.( i think?)
Sometimes not all the replies are true personal experiences and the replies are the results of internet lookups. Sometimes you need to be able to seperate the wood from the chaf.

Or even the wheat from the chaff? ;)

A mod's role is truly akin to that of an electronic janitor. When spam or bad arguments break out the mod cleans up. And that really is that.

Being a mod doesn't suddenly make one more knowledgeable, nor does it gain you any respect in and of itself, except perhaps with those that are impressed by high post counts, but their opinions are invalid anyway. One only needs to look at my post count and compare it to those like Bignose or nmonks to see how more posts does not equal better: quantity ≠ quality.

All I can see the mod role doing is taking away half the joy of the forum; being able to just post advice.
Sometimes not all the replies are true personal experiences and the replies are the results of internet lookups. Sometimes you need to be able to seperate the wood from the chaf.

Or even the wheat from the chaff? ;)

A mod's role is truly akin to that of an electronic janitor. When spam or bad arguments break out the mod cleans up. And that really is that.

Being a mod doesn't suddenly make one more knowledgeable, nor does it gain you any respect in and of itself, except perhaps with those that are impressed by high post counts, but their opinions are invalid anyway. One only needs to look at my post count and compare it to those like Bignose or nmonks to see how more posts does not equal better: quantity ≠ quality.

All I can see the mod role doing is taking away half the joy of the forum; being able to just post advice.

so if thats the case andy you suggest that a mod let the members and those who would otherwise post garbage to post what ever they like mind you that William created this site with a family atmosphere? or I know we should ask William to remove the blocks that he has in place and allow the porn to flourish? your argumant has its values, I agree quantity does not equal quality in most cases however I do take offense to your comment about taking away half the fun of the forum, your just as free to post advice however about 40% of the time you do not do that you instead flame and bully people into saying that you win. so if the mods take up the half of that other 60 % that really means that only one out of every 3 posts that you make are actually worth reading.
Being a mod doesn't suddenly make one more knowledgeable, nor does it gain you any respect in and of itself,
Andy I wasn't suggesting that for one minute, you of all people should know that I have contacted you in the past via the pm function to ask you for solutions to a particular problem, knowing full well that you will give me a no nonsense non BS concise answer. To which I was eternally greatful. Being a Mod doesen't make me a particular GOD type person. I'm 48 years of age and been keeping breeding and showing Killifish since the late seventies, I may have knowledge in one particular field, yes, but I dont pretend for one minute that I know everything. If I can help, I will (see Killifish section). I also offer some other useful tips and tricks that I personally have employed during my time in fishkeeping. Since becomming a Mod (to which I was approached, I didn't go courting the job) I have taken the time to write many an article for the Killi section (see pinned topics in killifish section) as I believe that I have to offer something back to the forum rather than just being an electronic janitor as you so elequently put it.
I dont need to do this job, there are million and one other things I could be doing rather than sitting at my laptop writing this. Just spare a thought for those of us who are trying to make this forum a better place for ordinary members rather than heaping negativity on the Moderators at every possible opportunity.
Sorry for the rant guys no finger pointing was intentional via this.
So lighten up Guys and Gals its only a forum.

Oh and yes it was "Wheat form the Chaff"
(My mistake, I stand corrected) :blush:
so if thats the case andy you suggest that a mod let the members and those who would otherwise post garbage to post what ever they like mind you that William created this site with a family atmosphere? or I know we should ask William to remove the blocks that he has in place and allow the porn to flourish? your argumant has its values, I agree quantity does not equal quality in most cases however I do take offense to your comment about taking away half the fun of the forum, your just as free to post advice however about 40% of the time you do not do that you instead flame and bully people into saying that you win. so if the mods take up the half of that other 60 % that really means that only one out of every 3 posts that you make are actually worth reading.

Umm, I think you have massively mistaken my post Juan and gone off on some vitriolic rant. My actual point was that being a mod would take away most of the fun of being on a forum for the person who is a mod; that is I am far happier just being able to post and not have to worry about sorting out other posts.

Quite how you interpreted that to mean I think we should have porn all over the forum is beyond me. As to blocks William has put in place? All he has done is organised the board settings in a standard way similar to pretty much every other forum on the web (barring porn fora).

And you percentage point at the end... I shall have to request you explain how mods taking up half of 40% of my posts being non advice means only 1 in 3 of my posts is worth reading.

Being a mod doesn't suddenly make one more knowledgeable, nor does it gain you any respect in and of itself,
Andy I wasn't suggesting that for one minute, you of all people should know that I have contacted you in the past via the pm function to ask you for solutions to a particular problem, knowing full well that you will give me a no nonsense non BS concise answer. To which I was eternally greatful. Being a Mod doesen't make me a particular GOD type person. I'm 48 years of age and been keeping breeding and showing Killifish since the late seventies, I may have knowledge in one particular field, yes, but I dont pretend for one minute that I know everything. If I can help, I will (see Killifish section). I also offer some other useful tips and tricks that I personally have employed during my time in fishkeeping. Since becomming a Mod (to which I was approached, I didn't go courting the job) I have taken the time to write many an article for the Killi section (see pinned topics in killifish section) as I believe that I have to offer something back to the forum rather than just being an electronic janitor as you so elequently put it.
I dont need to do this job, there are million and one other things I could be doing rather than sitting at my laptop writing this. Just spare a thought for those of us who are trying to make this forum a better place for ordinary members rather than heaping negativity on the Moderators at every possible opportunity.
Sorry for the rant guys no finger pointing was intentional via this.
So lighten up Guys and Gals its only a forum.

Oh and yes it was "Wheat form the Chaff"
(My mistake, I stand corrected) :blush:

Indeed Big C, and the bulk of my post was not in any way aimed at your post, only the correction of wheat from chaff. I considered putting "Getting back to an issue in the posts above" but considered it superfluous, obviously that was an error on my part and I apologise if you thought I was having a go at you. However, one point you have made illustrates my point perfectly:

Since becomming a Mod (to which I was approached, I didn't go courting the job) I have taken the time to write many an article for the Killi section (see pinned topics in killifish section) as I believe that I have to offer something back to the forum rather than just being an electronic janitor as you so elequently put it.

You could write articles beforehand, you did not have to be a mod to do it. I know this as I have written a couple of species guides and my article on the definitions of shoal and school is in the FAQs (not that anyone pays any attention to it ;) ). The only actual extra abilities that one gains from being a mod are procedural (closing bad threads, moving ones in the wrong place and pinning good ones; keeping the worst posters from the boards). Why should it be some quid pro quo arrangement?

The point I am trying to make is that by being a mod one doesn't become a better member. One does not get the ability to do any greater good for the forum content as a mod than as a member. However I have one quick question for you, do you think you would have written those articles had you not become a mod?
In no way did I think you were havin a go Andy, LOL

My actual point was that being a mod would take away most of the fun of being on a forum for the person who is a mod;
Sometimes it does. As by the time you go through your ritual of cleaning and get down to the topic/s that interest you, a fair amount of time has passed.

You could write articles beforehand, you did not have to be a mod to do it.
Point taken...

I have one quick question for you, do you think you would have written those articles had you not become a mod?
I could have but
I seriously dont think I would have Andy...No. I honestly dont think I would have bothered. I just felt I needed to show something other than answering folks queries and the usual hum-drum dusting,polishing and toilet cleaning duties. Probably would not have devoted as much time to this forum either in that respect. I suppose it could be construed as a more-or-less equal exchange or substitution of goods or services. (looked that one up LOL)

The point I am trying to make is that by being a mod one doesn't become a better member
I would totally agree with you on that score.

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