How do you trim a betta's tail?

One of these days, I am probably going to have to get around to trimming Johhny B. (a halfmoon with a massive tail). The tail size will make trimming it pretty long. How long can I keep him out of the water. Or should I do the trimming in installments over several days or weeks.
As long as your towel is wet he should be fine, just do one cut straight across, won't take long.

I've heard from transhippers that they sometimes recieve bettas from Thailand in bags wrapped in wet java moss, so I think a few on a towel should be fine :p
Will get a pic and post it here before trimming to see if it is really necessary. He used to be able to do a full 180 degree flare :(
What would be better for me to do for possible fin rot (tail is opaque only on the very tips): Treat with Melafix or trim the tail?
pnyklr3 said:
What would be better for me to do for possible fin rot (tail is opaque only on the very tips): Treat with Melafix or trim the tail?
If it isn't severely disintegrating I would just give him the ol' reliable clean water treatment. Maybe a bit of salt.
I hope you don't mind me asking this question on your thread, I have an oranda but I think it's not a pure oranda as it look like it has been crossbred with a goldfish, her tail is quite long and i'm sure it weighs her down, didn't no you could trim fish tails, so what i'm asking is could i trim her tail, try and get a photo for you.

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