How Do You Stop Dead Spots In Tank Filteration?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2010
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I was wondering how people stop dead points occuring when they filter their tanks? i usually end up having a couple of dead spots around the tank thatevery couple of days need swishing into the filter input.

Does this happen for everyone or is it just my bad. and if it doesnt how do people get around this without extra mechanical equipment.

thanks guys
it does happen in some tanks - i found a good way (and cheap way!) of increasing water flow around a tank is to add in some aerators :good:
add a power head or two
thats what most people do
by dead spots I'm guessing you mean areas where waste collects in a pile? Personally I wouldn't swish it about, rather get a length of 12mm green tube from the lfs, attach your siphon tube to it and suck it up into a jug
I was considering getting a small air stone in the area that the muck builds up to help improve ciculation. would this work?
I dont really want a powerhead because the circulation around the tank is already quite high, its just a sheltered spot behind some bog wood thats getting effected.

the idea with the tube, this would be the same as a small siphon yes? cus i was considering this but its just a bit of uneeded hassle if i can get away with not doing it, if that makes sense. Id rather not have the issue in the first place.

thanks for the ideas so far guys!!

Unless you have a heavily planted tank then dead spots shouldn't really be an issue. They wont be dead as in there is a noticable difference between the composition of water there and water anywhere else.

It's just a case that the flow isn't as strong so heavy particles gather. Like doresy said, just get your syphon or something similar and suck up the dirt as it accumulates if you find it an eye sore.

Tbh I had a little corner in one of my old tanks that collected dirt. I found it great cause it meant my sand was always spotless except for this one little 1.5" square patch. :)
And that was a 125l running an eheim 2026!
The dead spot in my tank is behind my Fluval U3 filter :angry: :sick:
come to think of it the sand is pretty clean except that one patch. just annoying cus it always catches my eye cus i know its there!! ARGH OCD :p
come to think of it the sand is pretty clean except that one patch. just annoying cus it always catches my eye cus i know its there!! ARGH OCD :p

Stick a rock on it ;)

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