How Do You Sex A Butterfly Pleco/hillstream Loach?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2011
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how can u sex a hillstream loach? i have one, its sandy yellowish brown in colour with little spots all over it. its fins are coloured if thats any help?
In some species of "hillstream loach" the males have a noticeably squarer leading edge to their pectoral fins.
... and in some others, the females are much larger and better colored...

by the description the loach may be Beafortia, and these are not possible to sex at... but to know, post a photo.
here is a picture of mine, is it too small to tell? xx
Yes, it looks like Beaufortia all right (you can google for Beaufortia photos to make sure the id is correct...your photo is not very clear.) This is one of the most common hillies, but it was not ever bred in captivity and it is not known how to sex them.

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