How Do You Pronounce It?

loach, I used to say kill-lids!!! I don't know where that came from... I would tell my brother in the fish stores, "Oh, those are kill-lids, they won't work for our tank." I'll bet everyone thought I was a total moron! :lol: It wasn't until my English teacher told me he owned sick-lids that I finally found out.
I must admit that before I joined this forum I pronounced Cichlid as Chicklids! I must have sounded like a right dork in my lfs saying to my husband (who didn't know either) look at those gorgeous colourful chicklids!! :blush:

Not on your own here i called them

Chi-chi-lids. :lol:
dont know where the hell i got that from..... and i thought i was cool :no:
Greg 8)
Try Google - "pronounce xxxxxx", it normally finds a few good hits.

Naughty naughty person. Were trying to pronounce fish names not look for that dirty content :no: :rolleyes: . Also you only need 3 x's. :good:

Heh, On a more serious note:

Are you sure Birchir is pronounce like biker? :huh:
How do you personally pronounce the following names? Don't look it up, no cheating. Even if you know you pronounce it wrong but still say it anyway, let's see what you have to say.


Write how you say it. Any word suggestions are appreciated! Come on everyone, let's see how others say things! 8)

Edit: Spelling

platy -play tee
pleco - plecko
synodontis - sinoDONtis
birchir - birchear
cichlid - sick lid
corydoras - cory door as
How do you personally pronounce the following names? Don't look it up, no cheating. Even if you know you pronounce it wrong but still say it anyway, let's see what you have to say.


'That one'. Although not for rubbish fish like platies, plecs and cories.
Platy= pla- tee
Pleco= pleck-oh
Synodontis=sin-odd-on-tiss (not sure as I've never had to say this one)
Bichir= *****-ear (LOL!)
Cichlid= when I first read this word it was chitch-lid, but now its Sick-lid

Although not for rubbish fish like platies, plecs and cories.

AW NO! They're not rubbish fish! They're cool! Meany! :-(

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