How Do You Pronounce Betta?

beh-ta..unless they look at you gone out in the lfs and then you have to say siamese fighters! :-( My dictionary is so out of date they are not even in there!
When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will say "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh I just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.
I say bay-ta, but I know the correct pronunciation is beh-ta.

When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will ask "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh and just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.


Glad to know you're so sensitive.

Look out, there's still some people in the world that 'mispronounce' other words, too. Actually, up here we just call them 'accents.'
I'm sure part of it depends on where you live too. as different area's have different accents and stuff. Like Toe-Mae-Toe and Toe-Mah-toe. (Tomato and Tomato. XD)
Im from the UK, and i call them "beater".. not "better" (which i presumed you meant by beh-ta) and not "bay-ta"... .but. im probably wrong.. however, i dont think people in the uk would say bay-ta, however im probably wrong there too.. ho hum..

oh... and the geeky software thing.. where US people say "bay-ta" (beta) code and we call it "beater" (beta).. either way, it means its going to go wrong.

When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will ask "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh and just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.


Glad to know you're so sensitive.

Look out, there's still some people in the world that 'mispronounce' other words, too. Actually, up here we just call them 'accents.'

Yepperz. Even if people where I'm from meant to say beh-ta, it would come out sounding like bay-ta. (We have a bit of southern twang. :D )
Waves at Flautist Souther Twang! Wee, best way to say it XD I remember when I moved from New York down to Maryland, I couldn't get half of what people were saying, and they said I had an accent? XD it was pretty funny.
Waves at Flautist Souther Twang! Wee, best way to say it XD I remember when I moved from New York down to Maryland, I couldn't get half of what people were saying, and they said I had an accent? XD it was pretty funny.

Oh, man, Maryland is a nor'easter' accent compared to us farm hicks in central Illinois. ;)
When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will say "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh I just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.

Exactly! No common people have any idea what a BEH TUH is, 90% of my world call sit BAY TUH so I just stick to the comon term, even though its technically wrong.
When i talk to ppl who work at PETsMART and superpets and they say bay-ta I laugh and walk away. It annoys me when ppl do that. :p

To each their own.
So, this may be a little bit off topic but it's bothering me.

I have a question for all of you people that are inferring that people who pronounce betta differently than you do are either 'less intelligent' or 'annoying for being "wrong".' Are you very young? Or do you just live in an area where the population is very localized and thus no one comes from out of state (or peninsula) and brings a different accent with them?

I've just never encountered people who look down upon someone for pronouncing something differently, and as a fancier of dialects, this prejudice fascinates me.
Typically, people pronouncing betta incorrectly are not going so because of accent or dialect. It is because they simply do not know the proper pronunciation. Regardless of accent, every word has a pronunciation; you can find this in just about every dictionary out there. I don't think anyone would mind if someone pronounced "betta" as is appropriate for thier dialect, but when someone pronounces it utterly wrong even for thier dialect because they are mixing it up with another word - beta - it suggests that they are at least uninformed. I don't think anyone has a "prejudice" against them, but we must face it; pronouncing any word incorrectly makes a person come off as unintelligent. What do you think of people, for example, that say "libary" instead of "library?"
How do you pronounce giraffe? 'jir-raf' or 'jah-raf.' How do you pronounce crocodile? Croc-a-dile or Croc-o-dile. One of those is technically right, another is technically wrong. I wouldn't consider anyone unintelligent for saying it either way, though.

Looking down on someone because of how they pronounce their words is prejudice.

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