Fish Aficionado
beh-ta..unless they look at you gone out in the lfs and then you have to say siamese fighters!
My dictionary is so out of date they are not even in there!

When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will ask "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh and just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.
When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will ask "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh and just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.
Glad to know you're so sensitive.
Look out, there's still some people in the world that 'mispronounce' other words, too. Actually, up here we just call them 'accents.'
Waves at Flautist Souther Twang! Wee, best way to say it XD I remember when I moved from New York down to Maryland, I couldn't get half of what people were saying, and they said I had an accent? XD it was pretty funny.
When speaking with intelligent people, beh-ta. When speaking with people who will say "uh... you pronounced bettas wrong" and sigh I just call them bay-tas to save the trouble.