How Do You Pick?

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey everyone! So I don't know if you know about my kroll, (you can read about Him Here)...but he had so much character and he was s interactive with me and so aware of everything outside of the tank...I want another betta like that...I still haven't gotten another betta and I have a 5.5 gallon planted tank just waiting for a betta...if you haven't read about kroll, I picked him because he was having so much trouble just staying upright, but everywhere I moved he would look at me completely straight on...even if I moved or turned his cup around and he wasn't flaring at all...I don't want a betta like my sister's where all he does is flare at himself all day long and completely ignores you...

So my question is, how do you pick your bettas? Have you figured out anyway to tell that the betta will not just be there for looks and flare at himself all day instead of being more of a pet? How can you tell if a betta will have character and be aware? I am quite partial to giant/king bettas now as I have heard (not sure if it's true, but it was definitely true for kroll) that they tend not to flare as much? Maybe that helped..I actually like picking ugly or fin-torn bettas so I can watch them heal and perk up and become prettier...

Anyway, thanks in advance!
My simple method is put them in a paper bag close my eyes and pick one lol

No but on a serious note I usually go for the ones who ar more lively looking..when last two times I picked out a betta I picked the ones couldn't keep there eyes off me and they actually become very personal now with me and I also tend to go for the ones that no body else wants cus their not pretty looking

I just recently got a king betta and he is the biggest teddy bear ever, real gentle men to my ladies (already picked out his 2 favorites lol) he even comes to the front of the tank when i start making kissing sounds, weird Ik he flares at my black crowntail admiral an seems to be the only one he he's interested in flaring at
Thank you! Hannah bear, kroll was a king too...I think I'm quite partial to them now:) it's funny that you have had the same outcome with yours...the only problem is....well...there's only one store I've ever found that has them, and even a that, I might be lucky if they have three at a time... :/

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