How do you know a snail is dead?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2004
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I've had this big snail for a couple days now and he hasnt moved at all on his own. I try helping him by moving him sideways, upside down, etc. and he still isn't doing anything. The ammonia is at 0 so i don't think its dead. Its got moss stuff on it. What the crap?
If his trap door is hanging open or has been,pick him up and smell it...If it makes you want to run to the bathroom and vomit,it's dead. :sick: That's a sure fire way to tell. ;)
If it's not open and it's not supper easy for you to flick it open chances are he's still alive! They use muscles to keep the door shut - if he was dead I'm guessing the muscles wouldn't continue to do their job.... How'd he smell :rofl:

I was just do u dispose of a dead snail...and while im at it...and i know its bad to flush what do u do
Dont worry its not dead snails will do that when they are introduced into a new tank. i got an apple snail last week and it didnt move for days but nows its running about everywhere. ;)
i just found it today and it was in 2 pieces: its soft body and shell. Pretty gross :sick:

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