How do you keep track of the fish you have...

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I don't fall into the normal category at all..., the other day I got asked how many species do have here... my response, that wasn't important to me, which it isn't... but I went and tried to figure it out, & it's somewhere near 85 different species...

I think it's time for some data management... I think I'm going to do a spread sheet for each tank, listing the common names, & a link to where I bought them, & how they were listed, & probably a link to Seriously Fish, or similar to keep things simple... just a common name a picture, and a couple links...

My Hillstream tank has more than 20 & probably less than 30 species of Hillstream loaches in it... I typically buy 2-3 at a time... I have some very small Oto's, (Rhinotocinclus isabelae )
& Hillstreams, that are rarely seen, that are around an inch long... so, not very often visible... but usually show up at feeding time...

A spread sheet for each tank with a common name, small picture, and a couple links for each species sounds manageable, but a long ways from where I'm at right now... anyone else need a system to keep track of their fish???
I have around 40 species, and can name them when I'm in front of them. I don't keep spreadsheets or lists. Every once in a while, I try to take stock, but I'd never maintain the lists anyway. I put a little piece of painter's tape on the frame or near the top of each tank, with the species in it listed, since I have a tendency to move things around.

With killies, a good breeder needs not just the species, but the collection information so you can avoid crossing populations (and finding out later they were similar species). So I do keep a list of what I have, as that's easy to forget. But only for killies.
I was thinking even for tank of the month, or fish of the month contests, being able to link data on fish, along with the pictures gives everyone a better idea of what they are looking at
I guess it’s my science background or some OCD behaviors but I keep 7 running diaries, one for each of my 7 tanks. Each evening I sit in my reading chair in my office/fish room and make notes in each tank diary. I find it a relaxing activity, and when something goes south in one of the tanks I can retrace my steps by consulting that particular tank’s diary. Call me a nerd? I have been called worse.
I've made all my programs and forms, at the last 2 plants I've managed... so I'm thinking something like this... ( still in process )

Aquarium Fish… by Tanks

South American Tetra Tank… 55 gallon soft water ( RO ) XX Degrees F. under gravel filter-2 powerheads, 2 Tidal 75 HOB filters… Pothos Vines & Peace Lilies, driftwood 20 inch bubble waterfall

Bumble Bee Oto
… (Rhinotocinclus isabelae)

Zebra Oto… (Otocinclus Cocama )

Blue Zebra Lace Angel Fish

Spotted Silver Dollar… (Metynnis Lippincottianus)

Emperor Tetra… (Nematobrycon palmeri )

Pristella Tetra… (Pristella maxillaris)

Racoon Tetra… (Hyphessobrycon Procyon)

Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra… (Hemigrammus rhodostomus)

Cardinal Tetra… (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

Electric Blue Ram… (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)

Yellow Apistogramma… (Apistogramma agassizii)

Super white Long Fin Pleco… (ancistrus)

Aquarium Fish… by Tanks

South American Cichlid Tank… 45 gallon soft water ( RO ) XX Degrees F. 2 Tidal 75 HOB filters… Pothos Vines, Java Fern… driftwood 10 inch bubble waterfall

Zebra Oto
… (Otocinclus Cocama )

Giant Oto… (Hypoptopoma thoracatum)

Electric Blue Acara… (Andinoacara pulcher)
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will try and edit it to one page per tank, and add space for typical temperature, and a few specifics about the tank, then list all the fish... will likely require a few formatting attempts, & font size changes / spacing etc.... and on the Hillstream tank, it may become 2 pages, just because of the shear variety...
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I used to keep a guest list for each tank but as I got...older...I found myself concentrating on fewer and fewer favorite species in a few favorite genera and less need for a list. For example, I used to have at least 6 to 10 killie species at a time across 4 or 5 genera, but now I'm down to two favorites, Aphyosemion. sp. Lobaye and Fundulopanchax filamentosus. Now if I could get my hands on F. robertsoni...
I've made all my programs and forms, at the last 2 plants I've managed... so I'm thinking something like this... ( still in process )

Aquarium Fish… by Tanks

South American Tetra Tank… 55 gallon soft water ( RO )

Bumble Bee Oto… (Rhinotocinclus isabelae)

Zebra Oto… (Otocinclus Cocama )

Blue Zebra Lace Angel Fish

Spotted Silver Dollar… (Metynnis lippincottianus)

Emperor Tetra… (Nematobrycon palmeri )

Pristella Tetra… (Pristella maxillaris)

Racoon Tetra… (Hyphessobrycon Procyon)

Platinum Rummy Nose Tetra… (Hemigrammus rhodostomus)

Cardinal Tetra… (Paracheirodon axelrodi)

Electric Blue Ram… (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)
Wow just checked out Discus Madness- great selection and great prices! Shipping is very expensive- I guess they do a good job, though?
these will be listed for me, but for example, if I enter a tank of the month contest, I'll add this information, so transparent where I got my fish, for that tank...

I have bought several orders of fish from Discus Madness... I can't really buy much locally, so I try to order several fish, to help split up the cost...

in some cases ( like the Hillstream tank ) it will be evident the ridiculous amount of money I've spent on stocking...
I keep it simple . For the longest time I had my beloved Aplocheilus lineatus Golden Wonder Killifish only and then I got the Fundulopanchax gardneri Rayfield and then the Aphyosemion australe Orange and both of those fizzled out and I got an Angelfish just on a whim then Platy’s and Guppies on a whim . And the Betta’s . I wish I hadn’t gotten the non killies but oh well , what can I say , they called to me . The killies are my science project and the rest are pets . I don’t get rid of fish . I’ll need more aquariums now for my killifish projects and space is limited so now I’m at the point of having to do some creative shoe horning in of aquariums . What was the question again ? How do I keep track of what I have ? That’s easy but what’s not is how to keep track of housing them .

How do you keep track of the fish you have...​

Well, all of my breeding tanks are labeled. There are tags that show the livebearer species in those tanks.
Rather than keep posting updates, I've been deleting, & recopying my form, as I make changes, on post #6, my fish will be listed by tank, and in some cases, then multiple listed, for example I have Zebra Oto's in 3 different aquariums...

yesterday Seriously Fish would not load up for me, so those links have been made, with the intent of having care guidelines... some species are not listed on Seriously Fish, so Planet Catfish are also linked, and on Hyphessobrycon Procyon, I had to use, as they were not listed, on Seriously Fish
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I keep a list saved on my own private discord server where I stash all sorts of random stuff.

I update the list as I add to it or if something is no longer kept. I can copy and paste it if ever needed. I have it organized like this. It's a CURRENT list, not a list of everything I've ever kept, otherwise it would be much longer.

Chaetostoma formosae
Ancistrus cf cirrhosis
Ancistrus triradiatus
Ancistrus bodenhameri
Pterygoplichthys pardalis
Panaqolus sp L448

Bunocephalus larai

Hoplosternum punctatum

Osteogaster eques
Osteogaster aenea
Hoplisoma loxozonum
Gastrodermus pygmaeus
Hoplisoma sterbai
Hoplisoma paleatum
Brochis splendens

Betta splendens

Pseudomugil and rainbows:
Pseudomugil gertrudae

Boraras urophthalmoides
Rasbora sarawakensis
Trigonostigma heteromorpha
Trigonopoma pauciperforatum

Puntius titteya

Ceratogarra cambodgiensis

Carassius auratus

Hyphessobrycon pulchiprinnis
Hyphessobrycon amandae
Megalamphodus bentosi
Hyphessobrycon elachys
Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
Nematobrycon palmeri
Bario forestii
Bario sanctaefilomenae
Megalamphodus sweglesi
Hemigrammus erythrozonus

Poecilia wingei
Poecilia reticulata x wingei

Pangio semicincta
Pangio oblonga
Pangio anguillaris
Pangio doriae
Pangio myersi
Pangio pan04

Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
Apistogramma borelli "opal"

Atyopsis moluccensis
Atyopsis spinipes

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